[14] What Lies Beneath

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"They're holding a concert for the losses at the school...You maybe want to go, sweetheart?" Dad asked me after knocking, entering my room. He sat at the edge of my bed, just watching me as I was typing away on my computer. I had homework I needed to do, even if I had more important things to worry about. School was still important, I might as well graduate high school if I live long enough to senior year. 

I stopped typing, looking away from the screens and my books. "They're murders, dad. Not losses. Some of them, I went to school with. I had classes with them and talked to them...They didn't deserve to die, especially as gruesome as that." I corrected him before going back to my studying. 

"Well, it's still a nice thought, yeah?" Dad asked, but I just stayed quiet and tried focusing on studying. "If you're not up to go to school, you can stay here. I'l take the day off and we can spend it together. Or if you want to just relax, I can write you a note or excuse for your teachers to never mind your homework." Dad offered but I just simply nodded my head. 

"I appreciate it. I really do, Dad but I can't just-..I can't just sit here and be sad or scared. I have to keep living my life, and sadly, that includes school and homework. When we make it out of this in the end, I want to make you proud by walking across the stage at my graduation and receive my diploma." I sighed, shutting my computer to stand up and gathering to get ready for school. 

"Of course, I always seem to forget that you're strong and stubborn just like your mother. She didn't want to stop training even when she was pregnant with you. Still wanted to do things, help people. I practically had to beg her to rest when she looked like she was about to pop." Dad half joked while I reached over for his hand. 

I offered him a small smile. "She'd be proud of us, dad..." 

"I know, my little warrior. I also know she'd be proud of who you are, and who you're becoming." Dad smiled before placing a kiss on my head, telling me to call him if anything happened. I thanked him, telling him that maybe we could go to the concert to help honor the people who have died. It'd be a nice thing to do, plus with everything going on, we'd need to watch out for anything and everything. A lot of people gathering in one place seems like a mark for the Darach to strike next. 


"I'm sorry I must have lost some hearing because I thought I heard you suggest we try talking to one of the evil twins that helped murder Boyd?!" I whispered angrily at Scott. 

Right now, we were sitting in English class and talking about the events that had happened over the course of a week. So, the reason me and Stiles are looking at Scott as if he was dropped on the head was his dumbass plan he was telling us about. Scott wanted to talk to Ethan, try and get through to him. As if that would ever work, he's an evil twin. Evil! He helped kill Boyd! There's no way I'd ever try and reason with someone as psycho as that.

"Sara's right. What do you want to do that for? He helped kill Boyd and how many other people?" Stiles nodded his head in agreement with me. 

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