[10] No Vacancy

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Motel Glen Capri

I stared up at the neon sign blinking, giving off a low buzzing sound in front of me. It looked just like it sounded, somewhere we'd all get murdered in, in this horror movie we call our lives. This was where we were staying for the night, Coach going on about how we weren't to have sex or anything else hormonal going on. I just laughed, trying to shake off the feeling that something bad was going to happen, standing close to Stiles.

"I've seen worse." Scott commented, making Stiles look at him with a sarcastic look.

"Where have you seen worse?" Stiles asked.

"How about my nightmares. This place gives me the creeps." I said as Stiles went to grab a key from Coach. I was going to go get one for myself and the girls but Stiles grabbed my hand, dragging me away with Scott following close behind us. I raised an eyebrow at him, asking him why he was kidnapping me.

"You're bunking with me and Scott, I thought it was obvious. Besides, we've all shared a bed before." Stiles said like it was no big deal. I laughed, remembering this one embarrassing camping trip we had when we were younger. Scott didn't pack any blankets for himself so we were all forced to cuddle for warmth like an episode of Survivor.

"We promised to never talk about that again." Scott complained while we went up to our room.


As soon as we got to our room, i tossed my bag on the chair in the corner near the little table before going to collapse on the bed with Stiles. This entire day has been nothing but stressful. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes as I thought we were all going to enjoy the silence for once.

But that was cut short by Stiles bringing up his lists of suspects.

"All right, I have four." Stiles broke the silence.

"You have four suspects?" Scott and i questioned.

"Yeah, it was originally ten. Well, nine, technically, I guess. I had Derek on there twice." Stiles shrugged his shoulders, turning to look at me and Scott. I raised an eyebrow at him, asking him what happened to his being so sure Derek was dead and him telling me I was wrong, he was dead and I was just having trauma. "Maybe you're onto something here..and because of my first suspect."

"Who's number one? Harris?" Scott asked.

"Just because he's missing doesn't mean he's dead." Stiles pointed out.

"So if he's not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices?" I looked at Stiles a bit skeptical.

Stiles looked at me, having his thinking face on. "I guess that sounded better in my head." Stiles said before letting his head fall back against the mattress.

"Well, what if it's somebody from school? Like, you remember Matt? We didn't know he was killing people." Scott commented.

hearing this made Stiles sit up immediately, looking at Scott confused. Oh god, here we go again. Scott awakened the beast. "I'm sorry, what? Yes, we did. I called that from day one, actually." Stiles pointed out that he did in fact tell us maybe it was Matt behind everything.

Well, I mean can you blame us? Stiles is known to exaggerate from time to time.

"But we never seriously thought that it was Matt." Scott and I both said.

"I was serious. I was quite serious, actually. Deadly serious, no one listened to me." Stiles waved his hands around, exaggerating his point. Scott and I both rolled our eyes at Stiles before asking him who else was on his lists of suspects. "Derek's sister, Cora. No one knows anything about her and she's Derek's sister."

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