[4] Party Into the Night

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I questioned, following Stiles and Scott down the sidewalk towards a party that was already looking like it was in motion.

Stiles had apparently been invited to a party, but none other than my mortal enemy. Heather. It's not that we hate each other, it's that if the other was dying of thirst, we'd much sooner drink the water or pour it on the floor than offer it. We've had a bit of a rivalry since we were little and she claims during a soccer game, I purposely pushed her which caused a sprained ankle. It's fine though, right now we're even since the fucking bitch pushed me down and made me sprain my own ankle. I used to have a scar on it too but I guess apparently when I died last year, coming back and healing or whatever caused the scar to heal as well. I don't know if it works like that but apparently that's what happened.

I groaned, trying to protest on going to this party but there was no way that I trusted Heather not to make the moves on Stiles. No doubt in her mind that she heard Stiles and I finally got together, probably pissed beyond relief that he chose me over her. Not that it was a competition anyway. And it's not that I had anything to worry about, Stiles has my heart and I have his. There has never been a doubt in my mind that we're supposed to be together, and there has never been a doubt in my mind that he's the one I want to hangout with for my whole life.

"I still don't think we should go." I complained as Stiles wrapped his arm around my shoulders to keep my close as we continued walking.

"Come on, babe. It's gonna be fun and we need a little fun after the horrible news that there's another thing in this town trying to kill us before we graduate. One night of fun with no worries won't kill us." Stiles defended the decision for us to be going to a party right now like there's nothing wrong in the world.

Scott and I exchanged a look, rolling our eyes while looking at Stiles. "It just might if we pretend like nothing's wrong. It's not going to make the problem go away, we tried that before and look what happened. Not to mention I don't particularly love the host."

"For me, can we please try to be civilized?" Stiles practically begged me while I sighed in defeat, nodding my head while we continued walking hand in hand.

But while we were walking, that's when i noticed something off about Scott. I stared at him, knowing the look on his face because it was expressing what I was feeling. Which was that we sure as hell don't want to go to this party. Well, that makes two of us.

"What's that look for?" Stiles questioned Scott, who just shrugged his shoulders and pretending that he didn't know what look Stiles was referring to. "The kind of look that says you don't want to go to a party right now."

"Well, maybe we shouldn't be partying right now while there's an Alpha pack in Beacon Hills trying to murder us all." Scott and I pointed out.

For the rest of the walk there to Heather's party, Scott and I took turns complaining and pointing out the flaws in us partying right now. After a while, I think Stiles felt tired of being ganged up on because he sort of snapped, it was actually kind of a turn on.

"Babe, you promised you were going to try." Stiles complained.

"I am. Look, I even wore this hot outfit that's not hard for you to take off. We don't want a repeat of what happened last time." I half joked which ended with Stiles face turning more pink than a pink crayon. I gestured to my outfit, smirking to myself because I knew Stiles was checking me out. Not to mention I felt a bit proud since I spotted Scott checking me out, which meant he's a little less heart broken about Allison enough to at least look at another girl.

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