[24] Don't Let Me Go

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"Please, there has to be something that can help Sara...Please, anything." Stiles and Scott begged Deaton after they arrived at the animal clinic. They had given Deaton the update on Sara's condition, Stiles not wanting to accept that she was gone forever. In a world of possibilities, there had to be something, no matter how small or huge, they could do in order to bring Sara back.

Stiles refused to give up and accept that Sara was gone forever. Scott, on the other hand, didn't think that there was anything they could do. They couldn't give her the bite because she was already immune from Peter's bite, and even if the bite did work.. Scott couldn't subject Sara to being a slave to the full moon. She wouldn't want that. When Scott tried telling Stiles there was nothing he could do as an Alpha, Stiles became angry at the thought of Scott giving up on Sara.

"No one's saying give up but--...she's gone Stiles. Forever." Scott tried reminding his best friend, knowing he was refusing to see the facts that were laid out in front of him.

So as the two best friends argued over whether or not there was something that could help Sara, Deaton finally spoke up to suggest something.

"If I might offer a suggestion..there might be something that could help her." Deaton said, making Stiles and Scott look at him confused.

"What? What is it? We'll do anything." Stiles immediately said, not even having to hear the consequences of the act that could bring Sara back. He didn't care about anything else right now other than bringing Sara back to him.

Deaton took a deep breath, suggesting that Stiles and Scott should take a seat for this. But Stiles refused, saying he was good with standing and again asking Deaton what was his suggestion to get Sara back.

"In legend, there is a mystical place known to only a few as "Tearmann Solais" or known in Gaelic as "Haven of Light" in which the Valkyries of this world subside. Within this 'Haven', there is a spring of power that they refer to as "Athbhreith" or "Rebirth" that the Valkyries protect with their lives. It is said that the water from the spring of power can grant power to those who drink from it." Deaton began explaining while Stiles and Scott just looked confused.

"I don't-..What do you mean? Grant power?" Stiles and Scott questioned.

"The Spring of Power is ancient, many don't think it exists and those who do..have not seen it. There's not a person alive who's seen the spring and lived to tell the tale. The waters that come from the Spring of Power hold magical properties that can grant anyone power, strength, heal wounds..anything they desire." Deaton said before stopping to take a deep breath and give Stiles the news he needed to hear the most.

  "And in rare instances, told only in legend, those waters have been used to restore the dead to life."

The two best friends looked at one another like they were crazy, with Stiles asking what that meant and where they could find this "spring of power" or "haven of light" that the Valkyries protect and live in.

Deaton slowly shook his head. "Unfortunately..-no one alive has ever visited the spring and lived to tell the tale. The spring and Safe Haven in which the spring resides is guarded by the Valkyries, the swore protectors of the spring. Even if we were granted permission to drink from the spring-..there's no way we'd be able to find it in the first place. The pathway to the spring is a dangerous one, one that many don't ever come back from. No one alive knows the way, no one can enter."

Stiles let out a sharp breath, saying that there must be someway.

Stiles remained quiet at first, taking a deep breath before asking, "Will it work? Can I get her back?"

Unsteady » Stiles StilinskiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora