[19] Shallow Waters

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I shivered slightly, tightening my sweater around myself as Stiles, Deaton, and myself were waiting around Stiles jeep in the woods while we waited for Scott. Luckily for me and my freezing fingers, Scott showed up, walking over to us.

"How'd you guys find out?" Scott questioned.

"Lydia and Sara. You?" Stiles asked.

"Morrell. None of the other alphas know where it is either." Scott answered while I let out a sharp breath, freezing my ass off right now. Stiles brought me closer to him, wrapping his arms around me as I could feel his body heat. Thank goodness because I'm freezing too.

"So if this works, are you gonna tell them?" Stiles and I questioned Scott, looking over at him.

"I can't stop Jennifer without them." Scott answered.

But before anyone else could say anything, Deaton jumped in so he could defuse the situation before it escalated anymore.

"How about we concentrate on finding your parents first." Deaton suggested, stopping Stiles and I from arguing about working with Alphas with Scott anymore.

"What's the plan?" Scott questioned.

"Essentially; you, Allison, Stiles and Sara will need to be surrogate sacrifices for your parents." Deaton explained. Well, that didn't sound any worse than what I thought it was going to be.

"We'd die for them?" Scott asked, clarifying the fuzzy parts of Deaton's plan.

"But he can bring us back, right? You can bring us back?" I asked, looking over at Deaton with a slight panic on my face.

"You remember the part where I said it was going to be dangerous? If it goes right; Allison, Stiles, Scott, and you will be dead for a few seconds." Deaton explained while giving us all this warning look. "But there's something else you need to think about. This is dangerous for more reasons than one. You'll be giving power back to the Nemeton, a place that hasn't had power for a long time. This kind of power is like a magnet. It attracts the supernatural, the kind of things that a family like the Argents can fill the pages of a bestiary with. It will draw them here, like a Beacon."

I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Like a Beacon. Beacon Hills. Get it? No, okay , now's not the time.

"It doesn't sound any worse than anything we've already seen." Stiles said.

"You'd be surprised at what yet you have to see." Deaton warned us.

I felt a shiver go down my spine as I shook it off. "Is that it?" I asked Deaton but the look on his face kind of gave it away that there was something else.

"No." Deaton answered simply before sighing, making all of us stare at him as he gave his second warning. And it sure was a doozy. "It'll have an effect on the four of you. You won't be able to see it, but you'll feel it everyday for the rest of your lives. It'll be a kind of darkness around your heart. And permanent, like a scar."

"Like a tattoo.." Scott whispered to which Deaton nodded his head.


We had just finished filling up the tubes of ice with ice water, just like we had done before with Isaac. Except this time we would die. And as someone who's died before, let me tell you, I do not look forward to doing it again. But if it helped find my dad, if it helped save him... i would try just about anything right now.

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