Best Friends and Cabins

Start from the beginning

"Yeah things are good, I actually like her man. It's just every time I think I'm over him, he finds a way to come back in my life."

"I know but hey why don't we go out tomorrow night. It's 11 and my dads already called 10 times, you know how he gets when I'm late for his weekends."

Jude talked to Elio and Oliver before he walked out the door. He knew they were worried about his best friend.

Jude's phone rang on his way to his car when he got in he hit the silent button and just text his dad he was on his way. Looking up he saw a familiar figure walking towards his best friends house. Jude rushed to get out of his car.

"The fuck he is!" Jude bit out under his breath. He ran up behind David grabbing his shoulder spinning him around.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jude growled.

David looked stunned, pulling away from Jude's grasp.

"Let go of me Jude this isn't your concern."

"It is my concern because that's my best friend. You walk any closer to that house and I will knock you flat on your ass!" Jude yelled at him.

"I need to talk to him Jude, it's important."

"You've already fucking hurt him enough you go up there knocking on his door all you are going to do is set him back. He's trying to get over you David and every time he gets close you pop back into his life."

"I need to see him, I've got to tell him." Jude cut him off.

"What? That your wife is having your baby, Yeah he already knows. That's why he's been locked in his room since your wife showed up at the floral shop."

David dropped his head, he had been defeated by life, Jude almost felt sorry for him. But Jude felt if David wanted to escape his life he would find a way.

"I want to tell him that I'm sorry and that I didn't mean to hurt him." David was a wreck, he looked like he hadn't been enjoying his new life and Jude didn't blame him.

"He knows, man. That's why he's trying to get over you, he's trying to move on. I think you need to move on too. You got a wife and a kid on the way. I know he'd hate me for saying this because he would never admit it but he really does love you and you shattered his heart. After everything that happened with his mom, he's been pretty broken. I know he told you what he did."

David spoke softly.

"I know and if I could get out of this situation I would Jude. I'd run back to him in a millisecond. When she brought home those flowers and I saw the logo on the card. I got a stabbing pain in my heart, I was jealous because I knew she might have seen Christopher. But when she told me she was so excited that she told the shop boy our news. I knew she had told him, my heart nearly fell out of my body. I feel like the worlds shittiest person because instead of being happy that I was going to be a father. I was more worried about Christopher's feelings."

Jude looked at David, he didn't know if he wanted to know the answer. But if Chris ever asked he wanted an answer for him.

"Do you even love her?"

"No, I'm well, I'm trying to love her but honestly she's more of a friend to me than anything else. I try to treat her like I would treat Chris but it's hard to love someone when your heart belongs to someone else." David looked at the house, he knew if he moved any closer Jude would knock him out. There was no getting around the fact that Jude hated him. He didn't blame him he hated himself too.

"Do you want this baby? Is it even yours?"

"I don't know if I want to be a dad. But she wanted kids and I was to do whatever she wanted. But yeah it's mine. Do you think a guy that wants to be president what a scandal like on his plate?"

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Where stories live. Discover now