Chapter One "Boy Or Fairy"

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The pic to the right is of Shy. I don't own this pic or the charater design, but it gives u a good idea of what he looks like in human form.


Sigh* Another day and another school. For once I wish my family could find a place and just stay there. I'm tired of always being on the move. Hopefully we won't be moving again, any time soon, but with my family.. you never know. Oh well, let's just get this school day over with.

"Bell rings"

(Hi my name is Runa hana. I know I know. My name is jappaness. It means luna flower. Any how, I just moved here to Fairy Villy. I'm sereis, that's the name of this town. Back to what I was saying. I just moved here and today is my first day of school. Yipie. By the looks of every, I'm the outcast and the next target for the builies here. Oh well, I'll just have to deal with it, like I always do. -_- why do I feel as if someone is watching me in a different way then the rest of the kids. "Turns and meets a pare of Brownish yellowish eyes" Oh great. Who's this guy and why is he staring at me.)

Hi. I'm Shionnach. Nice to meet you, miss??

My name is Runa hana and it's nice to meet you two. Now if you don't mind I have to find my class and get to it.

Then let me help you. What class do you have right now.

I have Math class.

May I see your scagule?

Sure. "Hands over scagule"

I see. You and I have all of the same classes.

Well then, I'll just follow you to my classes today and then take over on my own tomorrow. Is that alright with you?

That's fine with me. Come on. Mrs. Franksten hates it when we're late.

Well then, lead the way.

(The boy just couchled and lead me to my classes. At lunch he sat by me and asked me all kinds of weird questons. I asked him if he won't mind being quiet for a while so I could finish my lunch in piece. He just smiled and ate his lunch. After that he was really busy with all of the other girls in school. Thank god for that. I was greatful for my last class. It was art class. We were to draw a pic of something or someone that we liked a lot. I sat at my seat schatching my pic of a fox fairy that I had seen when I was a little kid. When here comes mister populer himself. He sat down next to me and started drawing a pic of his own. I just shrugged and went on with my own work, that is untill he asked me what I was drawing.)

What's that? A demon?

No. It's a fox fairy.

A fox fairy?!

Yah, yah, yah. Laught all you want.

I'm not going to laught. It's just that I didn't take you for a fairy believer.

Well I am. Do you have a problem with that?

No. I don't. It's just that I'm a fan of fairies as well. I even run the club for them.

This school as a club for fairy fannes?

Yap. And I'm the president of it. Want to join?

I'll think about it. Right now, all I want is to finish my drawing before the bell rings.

Well, looks like you'll be finishing it tomorrow.

Why's that?


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