Chapter 83: Uriah Actually Saved the Day

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Tris POV

"I can't believe I did that!" Uriah goes on, "I literally saved lives today!"
"You do realize as members of Divergent High it's kind of our job to save people right?" Zane points out.
"Ok, but it's one thing to save people you don't know, but to literally save your friends' lives! It's amazing," Uriah brags. Any other day I'd be annoyed with him, but then again he did really save our lives.

"I'm still pissed at you, you could've died," Zeke glares at his brother.
"They would've died!" Uriah defends pointing at Four and me.
"Can we not talk about this right now?" Four suggests and the dinner table suddenly goes quiet.
"Thank you," he mutters lowly.

I pick at the fish on my plate, the sight suddenly making me sick. We would have died today if Uriah hadn't saved us. The thought sends chills down my spine and I can't help but gaze at Four, what if I had survived and he had not? How could I have lived with myself? Silently sending a thankful prayer to God, I stand up from the picnic table and head back into the house.

Hearing someone else getting up behind me, I quicken my pace into the kitchen and dump my dishes in the sink.
"Hey," a voice says behind me, "You alright?" Turning around I see Christina with a sad smile on her face, "It seems like kind of a ridiculous question now, huh?" I give a weak smile back and let out a dry laugh, "Of course I'm alright, this isn't the first time I've almost died and it definitely won't be the last," I joke darkly.

"Tris," Christina sighs, "I'm sorry, I really don't know what else to say. It seems everywhere we go..." she lets the sentence hang.
"It seems like everywhere we go I almost die as if I was never intended to be alive in the first place? Or that I'm just bound to die before adulthood?" now tears glisten in my eyes.
"I hate my life, Christina! I love everyone in it but I hate it! I can't go on a vacation without almost dying!" sobbing I quickly cover my face. Arms envelop me and I lean into her as she softly coos.
"God has a plan for you, ok?" she mutters and I close my eyes letting the tears leak out of them.

After a long while of crying and comforting, I finally lift my head and wipe my eyes only to see Four standing by the door. His eyes are filled with grief and his posture is sagging as he stares at my tear-stained face.
"Hey," I murmur and Christina turns around to see who I'm talking to.
"I'll leave you two alone I guess," Christina whispers to me before giving one last tight hug and going back outside to join the others.

Four and I stand across from each other, my eyes never meet his but I can feel his gaze burning holes through me.
"We'll be going home tomorrow, Amar said he'll fly the private jet down to take us home right before Christmas Eve. We can spend the holiday with my sisters, Amar, and Tori," he speaks up and my head shoots up.
"Did you tell him why?" I ask immediately and Four shakes his head.
"No, I wasn't going to until I asked you, I just told him we were homesick for them," he laughs a little.
"We can't let Tori know, she doesn't need that kind of stress during her pregnancy. We can't risk another..." I stop, not letting the words come from my lips. It seems as if death follows our family like a lost dog.

"Then we won't tell her," Four walks towards me, wrapping his arms around my frame once he's close enough and pulling me in.
"I heard what you said to Christina," Four mutters, "about loving the people in your life but hating it." My head lays on his chest as he says this.
"I didn't mean I hate my life," I state quickly, trying to make it sound like anything but what it really is.
"I just..." I feel myself become tongue-tied and stutter.
"I get it, Tris, you're constantly in danger and we don't know why but we'll figure everything out, we always do. You and me, together, we got this," he pulls away from me while placing his hand under my chin so I gaze up at him.

"Together," I nod.


"You don't have any wet swimsuits?" Amar questions us as we load our luggage, "Did you even go swimming today?" We all glance at each other. No one had set foot in the water after the incident and I don't know how we'll explain why all of our clothes are dry while being in Costa Rica.
"We threw them all in the dryer before putting them in our suitcases," Shauna announces.
"So you're telling me I can't tell anyone I saved Four and Tris?" Uriah hisses at Zeke from behind us.
"For Tori's sake, no!" Zeke responds and I turn around to see Uriah clamp his mouth shut.
"Fine but after she's giving birth to that kid, I am announcing it on a jumbotron," Uriah states to Four and me.
"So much for being humble," Four chuckles as Uriah hauls his luggage into the jet.

I only chuckle lightly while following him with my own bag of clothes and souvenirs.
"How's Tori?" I ask Amar immediately after he gives me a large hug.
"Well, she's with Clare and Owen right now but that doesn't make me feel any better about leaving her behind. Other than that she's good, she's doing really good," I see hope flicker in Amar's eyes, the hope of being a father.
"Everything's going to work out," I state to my uncle and he smiles, taking my word for it.

"I am not looking forward to leaving this place for snow," Shauna groans while entering the jet.
"Well we should probably be on our way," Amar gives me a gentle kiss on the head before saying, "I'm glad to see you got to get away from all of it for a while. All the violence and danger, I'm happy you got a break." Amar's eyes drift to Four who's standing right next to me and I glance at him, exchanging a tight smile we both nod at Amar. However, the action doesn't go unnoticed by him and his eyes narrow in on the two of us.
"Why do you guys want to come home again?" he questions us, using the same voice that he used when he was in the FBI.

"Homesick," Four shrugs before I can respond, "it would be our first Christmas ever not spent with you." Amar laughs a little, "You know you're going to have to leave the nest someday? Or should I push you two lovebirds out and see if you can fly?" Four and I both laugh and I feel my cheeks heat up at the small comment. After joking for a little while longer, I become thankful that Amar has stopped questioning our motives to leave, hopefully, he'll forget it overall.

"Amar!" Uncle Rico shouts from the house.
"Rico!" Amar shouts back and soon the two of them are walking down memory lane together.
"We should probably get settled in the jet," Four murmurs in my ear and I nod.
"Yeah, preferably one away from Amar and his questions?" I suggest.
"We'll figure something out, let's just hope that the others don't give us away just yet," Four states as we make our way into the jet.
"Plus, I don't think there'd be much harm in Amar knowing, it's Tori who can't be worrying," I state and Four nods.
"Fair point, but a stressed-out Amar is a stressed out Tori," Four points out.
"True," I nod.

"Alright, guys!" Amar hops in the jet just as the door shuts behind him.
"Ready to go home?"

Hey guys! I'm so excited to finally update and guess what... when I first started writing that the characters might go to Costa Rica, my friend and I were planning a trip there and I just got back. Costa Rica is literally paradise! But that's not my main announcement, I'd like to apologize for being such a crappy author when it comes to updates this past year. I've vowed that I will actually update this story more than once every six months! I'm going to go back and reread the whole thing while editing it for inspiration. Thank you so much for being patient and I really do love you guys!

Be brave xoxo

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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Divergent High: Fire v Iceजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें