Chapter 10: Uriah Just Made us Travel the Entire Midwest

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We all pile in the RV and call our parents saying we're going on a road trip with our friends not mentioning we're worth opposite genders.

I can't believe we're doing this. Leave it Uriah to get kidnapped and taken to a different state on accident. It's been and hour since we called Uriah and haven't heard from him since even though we keep calling.

We packed some food for the way and waited a while so Four won't be intoxicated while driving. Four starts the engine and we head off.

We play some board games and kick a soccer ball around. It's a good thing Will's family goes camping a lot so we could use the RV.

It's about 11:00 now and some of us are tired so they go to bed. We already arranged the girls to sleep on the beds on the left side and the guys on the right side.

I go to our side and hop in my bed and close the curtain and fall asleep.

Time Lapse

I wake up to loud banging of pots.
"RISE AND SHINE SLEEPY HEADS!" Zeke shouts and Lynn falls out of her bunk.
"ZEKE!" She shouts and runs out chasing Zeke.

I get up slowly realizing I'm still in my party clothes and left my jacket at Fours house.

I get up and release we're parked in a target parking lot.
"Um? Where are we?" I ask.
"Wisconsin." Zane says.
"Why aren't we driving?" I ask.

"Well first of all we haven't heard from Uriah yet and second of all our drivers sleeping," Zane explains.
"Aren't you old enough to drive?" I say.
"Yeah just failed the drivers test a couple times." He says and laughs.

Then we hear a phone ring.
"ITS ZEKES." Christina shouts. Lynn jumps off of Zeke cause what he did to wake us up.
Zeke runs and picks up the phone.
"Uriah?" Zeke asks.
"Oh hey Zeke, so sorry I lost connection and couldn't call you back I was busy." Uriah says and we all sigh knowing he's ok.

"Uriah we're in Wisconsin where are you and why couldn't you call us back?" Zeke says.
"I'm in Minnesota." He says cheerfully.
"WHAT!?" We all shout.
"Oh yeah some chick picked me up that's why I couldn't call you back I went to a bar and she drove me to Minnesota cause her and her friends were going to Mall of America." He says.

"Uriah you have your wallet with you right?" Zeke says
"Oh yeah I do." Uriah says.
"Take a bus back to Chicago ok?"
"Okey dokey" he says and hangs up without saying anything else. We all role our eyes, how can someone be that stupid?

"Well since we're in Wisconsin we might as well enjoy it. I mean who knows Uriah could always mess up again I am NOT driving all the way back to Chicago and then going to pick him up in some random state." Christina says.

"I actually agree with her." Will says. Then we hear someone getting up and a very tired Four comes out of the guys room.
"Did you hear from Uriah yet?" He says with a thick voice.
"Yeahhhhh." Zeke says.

I don't want to be here when he explains so I get out of the RV and see its 10:00 in the morning and Chris comes out after me.
"Got your credit card?" I ask while walking forward.
"Always do." She says and we walk into Target together.

When we enter a ton of people stare. Probably cause we're in party clothes and Chris has a ton of makeup on.

We go look in the clothes section and grab some pjs and three outfits and Chris buys an American swimsuit that she likes. We check out and the clerk rights his number on the receipt.
"I have a boyfriend." I say and we walk out.

"Speaking of Jesse does he know that you went on a road trip with a ton of guys?" Chris says.
"I don't know he's been in London for 3 weeks and we haven't talked much." I say.

We walk in the RV and everyone's around the table playing a card game.
"What are you guys doing?" Chris asks.
"We're Kent you guys in?" Will says.
"YEA." We say at the same time and partner up. We play the game for a couple hours and other card games then we get a phone call.

"Uriah!" We all shout, either he's in Chicago or some other place in the world.
"Uriah!" Zeke says.
"Ok don't be mad." Uriah says. We all look at each other. Oh no.
"But I took the wrong bus and am in Iowa." He says.

Shauna bangs her head on the wall, Lynn leaves the RV, and Four kicks the side of it causing a dent.
"URIAHHHHHH!" Zeke yells and then the line goes dead.

"What kind of fricken idiot is he!?" Will shouts. I just sigh and go change into new clothes in the bathroom. I come out and Lynn comes storming back in and it looks like she murdered someone or is going to.

Four gets up and starts the RV and we head off again to pick up our lunatic friend.
"I can't believe this is what we're doing on our first day of summer." Shauna says.

"Let's play gestures." Marlene says.
We all just nod and she goes and gets it. We play some music and then turn on SpongeBob.

Will starts, first he starts doing the worm.
"WORM!" Zane shouts and he nods and gets up. Then he starts to go back and forth on one foot. We all just stare,"What the heck?" Chris says then the card goes down.

"SWING!" Will says and we play gestures for about an hour then just watch SpongeBob.

"We have arrived!" Four shouts. We're at a hotel inn that we told Uriah to stay at, hopefully he didn't screw that up to.
We walk in and look in the lobby, no sign of Uriah. We start to panic.

I go up to the front desk. "Um hello is Uriah Pedred here?" I ask.
"Yes room b32." She says and we run up the stairs.

"Where's room b32?" Lynn says as we run around frantically looking for the room.
"I found a32." Marlene says,"So it should be on the other side."

We run around the hotel until we finally find the room.
"I FOUND IT!" Will shouts.
Four bangs on the door and no one answers.
"URIAH!" Zeke shouts.

Then we hear humming. We look down the hall and there Uriah is in a swimsuit with a towel wrapped around him.
"Oh hey guys." Uriah says.

"URIAH!" We all shout and sprint after him.

He runs down the stairs and we chase him all the way to the RV and when we're in it all the boys jump on him.

"GUYS!" I scream and they all stop.
"Can we go home now?"

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