Chapter 41: Awake

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Tris POV


I don't know where I am but I'm really tired. My eyes don't fully open, just enough to see a white ceiling. I want to know where I am but I'm just so tired.

I try to move but I can't. Everything's so blurry and mixed, I can't even see how many fingers I have. My vision is still splotchy with black dots.

The only thing I can really do is sit here and breathe.

I see a clock but can't read it. Where am I? Why hasn't anyone come for me? Am I still with the Italian gang?

I take a deep breathe causing a scratchy groan to come from my throat. The next thing I know someone is hovering over me. I couldn't make out their features, everything was so blurry and blended.

He was saying something to me but I didn't understand. The longer he stood there the more his features focused and blurred, as if my eyes were camera lenses trying to focus on the big picture.

Soon I can identify color and either I'm seeing Amar or Four. Either way I'm so happy I feel myself smile. It's an odd smile, probably lopsided and using way to much of my limited energy. I feel the person grab my hand and sob into my chest.

"I was so scared," he whispers in my ear. I try to wrap my arms around him but I can't. I can't really move at all. I can only open up my eyes and breathe on my own.

Wait. I can breathe on my own. I'm awake. I'm awake.

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