Chapter 37: I Am Gone

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Four's POV

They took her away from me. I heard her scream from the other room. Screaming my name. She kept screaming till her voice became raw, and I'm assuming she eventually lost it.

They must've figured out that we don't know anything because they stopped the questioning, they hurt her for fun. Well they will rot in hell one day and I pray I'll be there to witness it.

The door swings open with a clang and I watch as Satan himself carries her by her hair. The image was strictly of the devil killing an angel. Torn clothes, bloody back, and broken wings. The sight made me fuming with anger.

I didn't know if I was shaking from anger, adrenaline, fear, or just my nerves in general. Words can not describe what I was feeling I couldn't even think straight.

What I did next was a complete blur.




It was all I could see, the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I was made of stone and nothing could break me, nothing could hurt me. I thrashed out like a wild animal stuck in a cage for to long.

I heard sickly noises of things breaking and raged screams. I felt nothing just destroyed. I destroyed them like they destroyed me. I could never get vengeance enough killing them wasn't enough. Beating them wasn't enough. They hurt her.

The most innocent person on earth, kind hearted and trustworthy. It should've been me. I'm the monster, the murderer. The good people get hurt in this world while the wicked thrive, but nobody listens to the good people, instead they're to engulfed in their own wicked ways.

I swear I will make them pay for every wicked thing, every wicked thought that these bastards have ever done.





I wake up from I don't know. I don't know if I passed out from rage, getting hit on the head, or what happened to me. All I know is I just woke up in a room full of blood and bodies. Dead bodies.

I hold one body in my arms. The body of a fallen angel. Bloody bartered and bruised. I stand up trying to call for help but instantly fall back down from the pain in my leg. I was shot. And not just there. My arm, my leg, me foot, and my hand. How did I do this?

I stare at the lifeless bodies around me. How did I kill all of these people? Was shooting me their attempt to stop me? And when it didn't work did they flee? The thought of some of these bastards still being alive made my blood pulse with rage.

I need to focus on getting Tris back. I look down at her motionless body. She is still. To still. Completely still. Her chest doesn't rise and fall and her eyes don't move at all. I reach for her pulse and wait a minute. Two minutes. Three minutes. My heart pounds faster with every second that goes by as reality hits me. Her motionless body. My rapid heart beat. Unable to stand, unable to move. I feel completely helpless.

I scream to God for help. To save her, to take anything from me but her. His reply was the wind blowing through the open window. The window is never noticed before. I use my good arm to host myself up to look out. Shooting pain goes through my body but I do my best to see through it. The only thing I see is the Hancock building. We're still in Chicago. Good.

I take the deepest breathe I can,"HELP!" I scream through the window. Soon I army crawl with one arm and pull myself up. Looking down I want to crawl back in the building but know I can't.





I give up I fall back to the ground and crawl back to Tris, cradling her in my arms. The room reeks of blood and death. While the sun shows that it's noon, sunlight seeps through the window warming me.

My watch is gone, my phone is gone. I am gone.

+ + +

"Hey! Wake up!" These words echo in my head. Over and over and over again. I'm hosted up on something and feel Tris leave my arms. My eyes open slightly to see blurs of things around me. An oxygen mask covers my mouth and I watch as everything seems underwater. People's words slur together and so do colors, everything I see is like an abstract painting.

Then I see the red again. Except this red is lighter and in some sort of a shape. A cross. Red cross. Help did come. We'll be safe, Amar will find us, just a couple weeks in the hospital that's all. I watch as it goes from red to black once more.

Rising falling. Rising falling. That's all I can focus on.
"The memories should come back in a couple minutes," Amar's voice rings in my ears. A groan sitting up slightly. Ignoring the pain shooting through my body I continue to sit up. Amar doesn't even make an attempt to stop me.

He holds something in his eyes that wasn't there before, sadness and guilt.
"Tris?" I ask and his emotions grow stronger. His jaw clenched and swallows.
"Like I said," he says glancing down, "the memories should come back."

He slowly stands wiping his hands on his pants. I notice how beat up he is. Literally. It looks like he just took a beating, but if he came from a mission then that explains it, probably didn't want medical treatment either till I woke up.
"Wait," I say firmly, "if these memories come back can't you be here with me?" I ask. He slowly nods and pulls the chair up to the hospital bed.

"Try to remember the last thing that happened."





The light through the window



The oxygen mask

No! Something was in between that.

Grey. Everything was grey.


I wake up and the moon and stars shine through the old window. I grip Tris's body once more, her blood mixing with mine.

"Tris," I plead, "The night, our first date. That was the first time I told you I loved you, the first time we kissed with pure passion. Tris that night I gave my heart to you, and our hearts would beat together. Ever since then our hearts were one. Tris please! Please! Let your heart beat again. Because if your heart stops beating, then so does mine."

BANG! The door flew open revealing a vicious Amar. He took two strides toward us, less than two feet. He looked down at me frowning with worry lacing his features. I look back up with pain and loss.

I think I saw him break. He falls to his knees clutching his chest as if his heart stopped beating. He could save everyone. He did save everyone. But why not her? Why couldn't he save her? He must've been thinking the same thing because he let out a sickening yell that could've been heard miles away.

Then the person who I dreaded came in. Tori. She looked like she just went through a hurricane. Once her tired eyes met mine. She shattered, screaming and falling to her knees she layed there sobbing uncontrollably. Then the others came in, their reactions the same. Loss. Guilt. Pain. Flooding the room. Then I welcome the darkness that takes me.

The memory hit me like whiplash never ending pain in my chest. Like a fire burning into my soul and killing me from the inside out. Then I did something I never did. I cried. I sobbed. Amar came and held me like a father would do to a young kid. Didn't say anything or try to comfort me, he knew as well as I did that it was pointless.

I cried because my mother left me, because my family is always in danger, because my father beats me, I've become a murderer, I'm a monster, I will never be safe, my ice put out her fire.

Divergent High: Fire v IceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon