Chapter 11: Jesse

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I'm so excited right now. I'm waiting at the airport for Jesse to finally come home from his three week trip in London.

"Tris?" I here a light voice say from behind me. I stand up from my chair and see Jesse. I run to him and kiss him. He's only about three inches taller than me and I'm 5'3" so I go on my tiptoes to kiss him.

"I missed you." He says looking down at me.
"I missed you more." I say.
"I doubt that." He says and holds my waist and kisses me harder.

On the car ride home I tell him all about the last weeks of school trying to avoid mentioning Four because I think he's the only one who hates Four just as much as I do. He and Four have been in the same class as long as I can remember he also got pulled back a grade and turned 16 last week a little after Fours birthday.

"When did you get that?" He asks pointing to my promise ring my dad gave me two weeks ago.
"My promise ring." I say spinning the diamond ring.
"Oh." Is all he says and uncomfortable and just looks forward at the road.

Time Lapse

We go to Dauntless Diner because Jesse missed it to much. He actually doesn't even like dauntless cake, only the hamburgers here.

Jesse is talking about London when the door opens and Four and his gang come in. Right when Four sees Jesse his face distorts in disgust. Four despises Jesse.

Four taps Zeke and Zeke sees us and grins and walks over. Zeke and Jesse have a long bad history.
"Hey there butterfingers." Zeke says, in 5th grade Zeke threw the ball to Jesse and he couldn't catch it so ever since then he's called him that.

"What do you want?" I scowl at them.
"Calm it Tiny we just wanted to say hello to Jessica cause we haven't seen him for three whole weeks." Four says then grins.

Just in time our food comes and they go and sit in the corner booth while they glare at us and whisper to each other.

We decide I'm going to go to Jesse's  house after lunch to hang out. Then Four gets up and walks to our table.
"Oh yeah Tris just saying my family's going to your house tonight for dinner." He says then just walks away.

"It's ok," Jesse says,"You can stay at my house for dinner."
I smile and we get up to leave. He leaves the bill and we walk out holding hands.

We drove in silence and I can tell he was uncomfortable.
"So anything else happen in London?" I ask.
"No." He said in a cold voice warning me not to bring up the subject again.

When we got to his house he got out of his car slammed the door and stormed into his house. I slowly get out of the car and follow him.

Jesse is an only child and I don't like to admit it to myself but he's pretty spoiled, he asks for something and it's handed to him. He has dirty blonde hair and a smaller figure.

I walk in his house and am greeted my his miniature poodle yapping at me. I just ignore him and follow Jesse to the family room.

He just sits on the couch and turns on the TV to a creepy show that I will probably hate. He always had mood swings. It's like he's on his period 24/7.

Pete, the dog, jumps and sits between us. My hands started to get sweaty and I wipe them on my pants like I always do when Pete bites me!

"OW!" I scream.
"Well why did he bite you!?" Jesse yells.
"I don't know I just moved my hand." I say.
"Dumb dog!" He yells and throws the dog off the couch making him yelp.
"Jesse!" I yell.
"What!?" He yells

I just sigh and look forward at the tv.
"Why are you so mad at me you started to get angry when you saw my promise ring and I don't know why that would bother you!?" I say.
He glares at me,"You know that that bothers me." He says
"Are you serious!?" I scream and stand up.

He looks up at me and rolls his eyes. I glare at him and shake my head and walk to the front door. The next thing I know Jesse is in front of me and he grabs my arm.

He status kissing me viciously and pushing me around. I pull away and try to get away but he grabs my wrists and pushes me on the couch. Then I start to panic.

I scream and kick but he quiets my scream by kissing me again. My mind is everywhere and I can't think. I feel his hands on my hips and concentrate. How can I get out of this?

I kick him in the stomach and he falls to the ground, then I grab his Callisto and punch him in the face. He tries to choke me but I smack his face with my elbow and kick him in the groin.

I run as fast as I can home with tears streaming down my face. I run to the front gate of the neighborhood and press a button,"Beatrice Prior!" I gasp into it and the gates open.

I sprint to my house and bang on the door. Again and again and no one answers till the tenth nock and its a very pissed dad.
"Beatrice we have company!" He scowled when he opens the door. Then he sees my smeared mascara and the tears still streaming down my face.

I walk in and he walks me up to my room.
"Beatrice what happened?" He asks.
I tell him the story and half way through my brother comes in.
"Dad what's going on?" Caleb asks.

"Caleb go get your mother." My dad says.
"But the Eatons are still here." He says. I fell my heart sink, Fours here. What if he finds out and tells the others. My dad goes downstairs and my mom comes up and I have to explain again.

Then someone knocks on the door and Four walks in.
"Could you give us a minute?" He asks my mom and she nods and leaves.

Four sits next to me in silence.
"Did you here what happened?" I ask with my hands on my face.
"Yeah." He sighs.
"Go ahead!" I say getting mad,"Laugh at me make fun of me say I told you so, just get it over with now."

"What are doing tonight?" He asks. I glare at him,"What do you think." I say. He just smiles and gets up.

I didn't know what he meant, but I knew something was going to happen tonight. And the thought of being with him somehow made me smile.

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