Chapter 44: The Pain in the Aftermath

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Tris POV

I always wondered what it was like to love someone. To be so passionate towards someone that you would put everything you had on the line for them, including your own life. But sometimes some people value there lives higher than others.

Some people aren't used to danger while others face it daily. So what would someone give if they thought their life wasn't enough? That's the question about love. Love makes you do crazy things, everything you do is either out of love or hate. Love for yourself, or love for others.

I always dreamed of a Prince Charming. He would be handsome, very kind when he needed to be, but strong. As I grew older these options started to diminish, and soon the only thing I got was handsome. And I ultimately paid the price.

Every one of my boyfriends have tried to hurt me, all because they loved themselves more than others, or me. I always knew Four came from an Abnegation background, just like me. And honestly I can't put into words the way he acts.

The reason I always hated him was I thought he loved himself above others, when really it was the opposite, it turned out that they were all opposites. You could say I don't have the best luck with boys.

But Four's different. He's handsome, kind, and strong. But not even Tobias can protect me from my own mind. From the things I've seen and the pain I've felt. I feel safer awake than I do asleep, the nightmares are always there, always haunting me.

It's so dark out, the world is completely colorless, except one area. It's a dark crimson that's melting. I know that scene to well. It's Divergent High melting into blood, it appears in every one of my nightmares now. I stand on top of a skyscraper, I can see my neighborhood, but also Divergent High.

"Tris," a voice says and my head snaps toward the man. Soon I hear my name three more times, all different voices, and one with a very distinct Italian accent.

I look around to see Jesse in front of me, Edgar to the right, the Italian behind me, and Peter to the left of me. Their eyes pitch black, teeth unnaturally sharp with grins that go all the way to their ears, literally.

"Well, well, well," they all hiss at once. My breathing quickens and I don't know where to run. Suddenly Jesse frowns and little red dots appear on his calves and suddenly blood is dripping from them.
"You did this to me Tris," he frowns deeper if possible. Then I remember the revenge plot Tobias and I did on him, where we scattered his floor with tacks, when he jumped out of bed he felt the pain on his feet then fell to his knees, causing the tacks to sticks to his calves.

"Tris?" I turn to Edgar. Blood flows in a steady stream from his temple where the ring mark is. He has a sad look on his face as blood covers half his face and flows into his mouth. He slowly shakes his head.

I turn to the Italian and my mouth becomes powder and I can no longer talk. His eye is pitch black and face is blood, for a second I thought he would splash to the ground, but no, he stays standing, a pile of blood in human form.

"You killed me?" He questions, his expression hardens.
"Murderer!" He shrieks.
"Murderer!" He wails.
Soon it echoes through Chicago and all the buildings are covered in one word.
MURDERER in all black.

"Don't worry," the wretched voice says next to me.
"She'll be worth a fortune," Peter sneers.
Instead of being dead or beaten, he has handcuffs made of blood. But unlike the last blood creature this blood doesn't stay in form. It splatters to the ground and spreads all across the roof of the skyscraper, reminding me we never caught Peter.

Soon they're all moving closer to me, not with there feet, they're just moving closer to me and closer, they start to grow, taller until they're almost 7 feet tall. The blood rises, never spilling over the edge, as if I'm in a glass container. Soon it's up to my knees.

The thick blood makes it impossible to move. But their arms grow, and grow, longer and longer so they no longer have to move to reach me. But their 5 foot arms grab me instead.

Their hands don't feel human at all, they feel like nails digging into my skin. I cry out as the nails sink into my now paper thin skin. My pure white skin and their sickly gray skin mix together. Wherever they touch me our skin blends together and soon their are arms attached to me.

I pleaded and cried to wake up. For them to get off me, but they never did. Instead the blood just rose till my mouth was being filled with thick warm blood. It got darker and darker around me, and the last thing I saw were four faces with pitch black eyes, and grins with unnaturally sharp teeth that spread to their ears.

When I wake up I realize I'm back home, this is the first night I've been home. I thought once I'd gotten home the nightmares would go away, that I would actually get sleep. That I could go one night without seeing my school turn to blood and the people who tried to hurt me the most haunt me.

But no, they followed me here, and they follow me everywhere. I don't know what to do, or who to tell. My parents are worried enough, I see them check on me in shifts every hour, even Caleb's helping. I feel like a weak baby that can't take care of herself. But then again, I can't.

I take out my phone and text Edward to see if DH has anything for nightmares. For some reason I'd rather ask him than Four or Amar. I mean Edward cares for me and stuff, he's my brothers best friend, but he won't constantly be checking on me to see if I'm ok.

I get a response almost immediately.
Yeah it's in the Amity sector of the school but once you take it it knocks you out cold.
Thanks, I respond and wonder why he's up so early, then I realize it's already five o'clock.

Crap I need to get ready for school. I slowly get up trying not to get to dizzy, I swear I have so many drugs in me I may be high.

I stumble to my vanity and gag when I see myself. Dark bags are hanging under my eyes and there's scar tissue all over my face.

"Beatrice what are you doing up?" I hear Caleb ask.
"I'm going to school," I try to sound as happy as possible but my voice squeaks at the end.
"Oh no no no no, you aren't going to school for a while," he laughs.
"Why not?" I yawn as he picks me up and puts me back in bed.

Once my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

This nightmare was different from the rest, instead of seeing things, I felt them. It was like that gut feeling that you get when something really bad is going to happen.

I felt like I just lost my soul. I felt so empty and lost, like I couldn't control anything.

Then I felt like my entire life was a mess, everything was everywhere and it would take years to finally piece it all together.

After that, I felt the loss of my family. They were all gone.

I felt betrayal, like the only person I had left abandoned me when I needed them the most.

There was so much pain. So much loss I couldn't take it. It was thrashing at me like a wild animal. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, I knew crying wouldn't do anything, it wouldn't take the pain away.

I woke up screaming. Then I realized I was in someone's arms.

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