Chapter 13: The Truth about Fourtris

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Ding dong. The doorbell rings and on the other side is Shauna. Shauna just got her license and we got invited to the Pedreds house tonight for truth or dare, and we found out that they had truth and peace serum.

We drive on over with all the girls. Once we get there it's dark outside and the boys are in the front playing glow in the dark football.

When they see us they all run over to us.
"It's about time." Zeke says grinning and helping Shauna out of the car. Four and I exchange a weird look.
"So Tris how ya been?" Four asks as we walk in.
"Good, a lot better to be honest." I say smiling.

He puts an arm over my shoulder as we walk in. Then picks up a couple vials,"These my friend, will reveal the truth about everything." He says grinning.

Everyone walks in talking with each other, not arguing, smiling even. Even Zane and Lynn. I smile to myself and we walk into the family room.

We sit on the couches  and floor in a circle.
"This time I get to start." Uriah says eyeing Marlene. She glares at him but doesn't object.

"Marlene, truth or dare?" Uriah asks.
"Dare," she says with to much confidence.
"I dare you to let me blend whatever I want together and you have to eat it."

Marlene makes a disgusted face but heads to the kitchen with Uriah.

Marlene's POV

Uriah has that stupid grin his face. He opens the fridge with the blender on the center island and grabs strawberries, fish, ranch, sour croat, OJ, yogurt, avocados, and shrimp and dumps them all in.

He blends it just enough so there are still clumps of food but it's all mixed together. He pours a shot of it and gives it me. I gag at the smell.
"Drink it all?" I ask.
"Drink it all." He confirms.

It takes me about ten minutes to finally finish it all while everyone watches in disgust. I finally jug it all then run to the bathroom to throw up. I hate Uriah.

Shauna's POV

We've been playing for an hour and haven't pulled out the serums yet we want to save those for last.

"Uriah t or d."
"DARE!" He shouts.
"I dare you to go to a store in a five mile radius and buy the craziest thing you can." I say smirking,"And once you get back we'll whip out the serums."

"Deal!" He shouts and runs out.

We sit there in awkward silence for 15 minutes.
"I thought you told him a five mile radius he should be back now." Lynn says annoyed.

Then Uriah bursts through the door.
"LOOK WHAT I GOT!" He shouts holding up a black bear cub.
"What the hell!?" Half of us shout.
"What the wildlife center is only three minutes away from here, of course I had to get a licenses to have a bear." Uriah explains.

"Aww can I see it." Marlene says and we all stare at her like she's crazy.
Then Uriah goes to sit next to her and hands her the bear.
"I'm naming him Fuzzy Wuzzy." Uriah says in a baby voice.

"Oh or FW for short." Zeke shouts.
"You seriously aren't going to keep it are you!?" I shout.
"Of course we are." Zeke says and takes the bear from Marlene.
"What will your mom say?" Tris asks.
"Can I hold the fuzzball?" Four asks Zeke.

Zeke gladly hands Four the bear and then Uriah continues the game.
"Tris peace serum or truth serum?" Uriah asks.
"Peace." She says to quickly.

Uriah goes and takes a vial and gives it to her. She jugs the whole thing.
"Is that what your supposed to do?" Mar asks.
"I don't know I didn't read the directions." Uriah says cheerfully.

"YOU WHAT!?" Everyone shouts except Tris.
"You what!?" Tris mimics laughing. She skips over to the kitchen and grabs a ton of cake and skips and hands cake to everyone, and as she gives them away she kisses everyone on the cheek.

Uriah runs to look at the directions.
"It says that you're supposed to weigh 200 lbs for the whole thing and 100lbs for half." Uriah says.

"Tris how much do you weigh?" Four asks.
"That is impolite to ask a lady." Tris says scolding Four putting her hands on her hips.
"But since you're really cute I'll answer." She says and sits on his lap and looks up at him.

"I weigh 110 lbs." she screeches.
"Uh oh." Four replies.

"She's going to be like this for 4 hours." I say under my breathe.
"Four t or p?" Tris asks looking up at him. Four just stares at her freaked out.
"I'll go with truth." Probably because he's scarred he'll act like Tris.

Tris skips away and grabs the truth serum and Four takes it in one swoosh.
Four right away starts to sweet while Tris watches confused.

"Tris I love you." Four says starring into her eyes.
"I love you to Four." Tris says and they start kissing.

I try to process this, Four the biggest jerk/jock in school, Tris the nice/cool girl, in love?

"What," Lynn says,"The hell," Zane finishes. Even Uriah stares in astonishment.

Zeke screams at the top of his lungs and then Marlene faints. Lynn runs to Mar and starts shouting something I can't understand. Uriah runs all over the house screaming his arms flailing in the air while Will stares in astonishment. Christina, excited that Tris found a new boyfriend, but also having mixed emotions about it starts asking Zane if he knew or if anyone, talking in a gossip tone, but Zane just gets up and leaves.

I can't really process any of this, then I look over at them making out on the couch and start to feel sick and run to the bathroom and start to throw up.

Once I have nothing left in me I run back to see that it's only gotten worse.
"HEEEEEYYYYY!!!!!!!" I shout and everyone stops except URIAH who falls over a ledge on the second floor falling into a couch luckily.

"Did anyone know about this!?" I gasp out. Everyone just shakes their head and we all look back at them.
"I don't even think they knew about it." Zeke says.

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