Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

In her room beneath Professor Agasa's house, Haibara Ai sat back in her chair and wiped her arm across her forehead. It was complete. She had finally found the antidote.

She glanced at a cage on her desk- it housed two small mice, one male, one female. They were both shivering at the after-affects of the antidote she had just tested on them.
Haibara sighed and opened up the cage. She wasn't overly fond of trying out cures on animals, but there didn't seem to be any other thorough way of seeing if the antidote would work.

Never mind. She had found a permanent cure to APTX 4869, and could now let them go.

Haibara watched the mice disappear through a hole in the corner of the room. She'd done it. She had finally found it.

Now, all she had to do was tell Christie.


Christie grimaced and squirmed as Ran wiped around her mouth with a napkin. They were at a high-class restaurant, celebrating Sonoko's eighteenth birthday. Sonoko, drunk with goodwill and celebration, had invited Christie along when it had been revealed that she would be home alone that night (Kogorou had a meeting with a client).

Now, she seemed to be regretting it.

"Stop fussing over that brat, and focus on enjoying yourself", she objected, glaring at Christie like it was her fault.

Christie glared back at her. You think I enjoy having my face wiped by a saliva-sodden paper napkin?
Although there once was a time where she would have enjoyed it, at least when Ran was involved...

Christie sighed sadly. Things were changing, in ways she didn't like. But there wasn't much she could do about it.

She shifted uncomfortably on her seat. When Ran had heard that they were going to such an expensive restaurant, she had forced Christie to leave her tranquilizer watch, kick-enhancing shoes, and soccer ball-producing belt back at the agency, and forced her into an uncomfortable dress instead. Christie felt naked without them.

After they had eaten their fill, they went back to the detective agency.

"Are you sure your dad won't mind?", Sonoko asked, as she stepped over the threshold. Not that she cared- she just didn't want to share her birthday with the old man.

"The meeting with his client is really far away, so he'll have to stay in a hotel and come back tomorrow", Ran assured her.

"Great!", Sonoko cheered. "That means we can let loose!"

Christie blanched and began to edge towards the door. Sonoko, letting loose?! "L-let loose?"

"Scary movies and fattening snacks!"

Oh, thank God.

"Sorry to disappoint you", Ran said apologetically, "but we're a bit low on those fattening snacks you mentioned..."

"That won't do! I demand a sugar rush!" Sonoko's beady blue eyes rested on Christie and narrowed. Christie groaned internally. She knew what was coming. "Brat! Go to the newsagents and get us some snacks!"


"No buts! You're a freeloader, so you might as well do something for a change."

And how does my staying here effect you?!

"Sonoko, it's dark outside!", Ran protested.

"So? She's a big girl now. She can look after herself just fine... can't you?" Sonoko turned and stared at Christie threateningly.

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