Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

"Bang!", Kaitou KID said gleefully, in his normal voice. A bunch of white roses shot from the gun and crash-landed against Christie's head. "You're dead, tantei-chan. Told you I'd get you back!"

Christie stared wide-eyed at KID, who was obviously very pleased with himself. It wasn't Vermouth. The Black Organisation hadn't come for her. It was KID. Just KID.

Thank God.

Christie began to laugh in relief, the adrenalin rush making her light-headed. KID grinned at her uncertainly as she sank to the floor, laughing hysterically, tears streaming down her face.

"I admit it was funny... but not that funny, tantei-chan."

"KID", Christie gasped, "you'd better... run, 'cos when this wears off... I'm going to kill you."

KID's grin widened as he suddenly regained his poker face. "Guess I really scared you, huh?", he said, picking up on the slight hysteria in her tone. "Tell you what, as an apology, I'll invite you to my heist tonight."

He whipped out a white card with a flourish, and held it out for Christie. It had the location, time, and place of his heist listed in a riddle, a heart, and, of course, his signature KID caricature.

Christie, wiping tears from her eyes and getting to her feet, glanced at it, then pushed it away. "Give it to the police. I don't want it."

KID blinked at her. "Why not, tantei-chan? Don't you want to solve the riddle?"

"It'd be a bit pointless, seeing as I don't intend to come."

"Why? Why aren't you coming?"

Christie glanced at the plaster on her arm. "I'm... ill."

"Liar~", KID sang, following her as she made her way into the bedroom. "Don't forget, tantei-chan, I can always tell when you're lying!"

Christie casually picked up her tranquilizer watch and strapped it on. "Fine. I have plans tonight."

"Plans? With who?"

"Nobody you know."

"Is it a boy?", KID asked teasingly.

Christie snorted as she thought of the boys in her grade school class. "Nope." Then a thought occurred to her. "You do realize that when Ran comes back and sees you walking around with her face, she'll have a heart attack?" And beat you into next Wednesday, but I have no obligation to tell you that. Christie smirked inwardly.

There was a small bang from behind her, and Christie turned to see KID back in his top hat, suit, and irritating grin.

Christie deadpanned. "Will you go away now?"

KID pouted. "Why are you so mean to me, tantei-chan? You always act so nice and... childish towards everyone else."

The corners of Christie's mouth turned up slightly, an action that was not missed by KID. "Nice and childish how?"

KID cleared his throat. "Ran-neechan! I ate all my lunch today, just like you said to!", he called, mimicking Christie's fake childish voice perfectly.

Christie turned away to hide her grin.

"Why do you never treat me like that?", KID continued huffily. "You never act like a child towards me."

"Perhaps you should be grateful?", Christie suggested, against her better judgment. "After all, you're one of the very small group of people who have the privilege of seeing the real me. Not even Ran has that."

KID stared hard at the back of her head. "So, you're not who Ran thinks you are?"

"I'm not who anybody thinks I am", she said sadly.

KID frowned inwardly. He was aware that Christie was different from other children her age, but it was only now that he wondered just how different.

But there was something he was certain of. Christie had a secret, one that she kept even from Ran. What was she hiding?

"Anyway, I don't care what you say, I'm not coming", Christie continued, relieved that she had gotten over her brief burst of depression. "Go play with Hakuba instead."

He's in bed with the flu", KID said, pouting again. "Of all the times... what an irresponsible detective!"

"Why do you want me to come anyway?", Christie said suddenly, turning and treating KID to a hundred-kilowatt, diamond-blue stare. "Isn't it more advantageous for you if there are no detectives around to interfere with your heist?"

"I can't help it", KID whined. "It's you detectives that make it fun!"

"Glad to be of service", said Christie dryly. Actually, she felt oddly flattered- but there was no need to tell him that.

KID laughed. "So, what's the answer? Yes? Or yes?"

"No." Christie opened her watch and fired it at him. KID watched, amused, as she paled slightly when nothing came out.

"Not as stupid as I look, huh?", he said, waving the stolen tranquilizer dart at her tauntingly. "Oh, come on, it'll be fun", he added, seeing her glaring at him. "I'll treat you to a bag of sweets afterwards. Haribo do you?"

Christie wrinkled her nose. "Yeuch."

"Okay, no Haribo. You like lollipops? Chocolate?"

"I'm not too keen on sweet things."

"Then you're not like any kid I know." But I already knew that.

"Your heist's tonight, right?"


"Then I'm definitely not coming."

"What if I beg?"

"No! I'm not coming, and that's final!"

KID looked at her sideways. "Hmm. Then it looks like I'll just have to make you."

Christie glared at KID suspiciously. "Whatever you're thinking of doing, KID, don't even try it."

"It's bed time for little tantei-chan!", KID sang, and slipped on what looked like a clear, glass gas mask.

Bright pink smoke filled the room, and Christie took a step back, her legs suddenly unable to support her. KID's arms emerged from the smoke and lifted her off her feet before they gave up their load.

"Don't worry, I'll be nice", he whispered, and the darkness closed in.


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