Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Aoko was watching Kaito. He had arrived late to school that day, as usual, but hadn't played it up by pulling a prank. He had been quiet all day, gazing silently out of the window, and jumped whenever someone talked to him. He hadn't noticed the bell ringing to signal the end of the lesson, and hadn't even bothered to steal Hakuba's watch from him. The whole class was on edge, glancing at him nervously every few minutes and flinching when he shifted in his seat.

Something was wrong.

The bell rang as the final lesson ended. Everyone began packing up as fast as they could, throwing their belongings into their school bags and rushing out of the classroom. A few people poked their heads back in, seeming even more terrified that Kaito hadn't even moved.

Aoko went to stand by his desk. His chin was cradled in his palm, and he was still looking out the window. He gave a small sigh.

"Kaito-kun?", Aoko said, trying for the gentle approach. He didn't move. "Kaito-kun? Hello?"

Kaito gave another sigh and started chewing his lip.

"BAKAITO!", Aoko barked. Kaito jerked, his elbow sliding off the edge of the desk, and his head dipping down. He steadied himself before his head connected with the desk and glared at Aoko.

"What?", he snapped.

"Class is over! What are you still sitting there for?"

Kaito blinked and scanned the classroom. "Ah... really?"

"No, I'm lying", Aoko said sarcastically. "What is with you today? You've just been daydreaming all the time!"

"Have I?", Kaito said helplessly.

"Is something the matter?", Aoko said, making her voice gentle. He looked lost, which was unusual for him.

Kaito suddenly recovered his poker face and grinned at her. "Nah, it's nothing! I was just thinking of KID's new heist!"

Aoko glared at him. "That one last night?"

"Yeah! It wasn't as showy as I would have liked, but it was pretty cool all the same!" It was true. KID would have wanted to do something spectacular, but that ran the risk of Nakamori getting meitantei-chan too involved and her overexerting herself. Stupid Nakamori-keibu.

"My dad came back from that really late last night", Aoko said angrily. "I swear KID did something horrible to him. He was pale, and he didn't talk to me at all!"

"That's because he did something bad", Kaito muttered.

"What?" Aoko's hearing was spectacular.

Kaito cleared his throat. "You know that detective that got shot helping with the heists?"

"Shinichi Kudo? I think she's still in hospital."

"She got discharged early, and Nakamori-keibu got her involved last night", Kaito said, trying not to sound too angry. "She was still weak, and he told her to come to the heist."

"Did he?" Aoko's anger went in a different direction. If that was true...

"I expect KID had a word with him last night", Kaito went on. "I found mei- Shinichi-chan in the crowd and had to take her home."

"You two know each other, right?", Aoko said, thinking back to the few times they had conversed in the café.

"Yeah. She's a nice person- she doesn't deserve to have her recovery disturbed."

Aoko thought a moment. "I'll have a word with dad. He gets too carried away sometimes..."

They walked home together, both lost in their own thoughts. Kaito thought back to the night before, the same subject that had kept his attention throughout the day.

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