Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

Shinichi closed the front door behind her and sighed, her shoulders sagging. She kicked off her shoes and made her way down the hall, wandering into the library and collapsing into a chair. She rubbed her eyes. The day had been horribly exhausting, with two murders that had taken ages to solve. And to complete the day, it had started to rain on the way home, a miserable grey drizzle.

She opened her eyes as a crash made itself heard. She stood up from the chair, her head cocked to one side.

"Did you hear that?", she asked Pandora, who didn't respond. Maybe it was asleep.

Shinichi slowly made her way out of the library. She could make out little sounds now, scrapes and taps, coming from the kitchen. She took a deep breath and peeped around the door to see KID with his head in the fridge. She stared.

KID straightened up and held a large plastic pot up triumphantly. "Gotcha! Cookie dough flavoured ice cream, how I love you so!" He turned to Shinichi, not seeming the least bit surprised or guilty. "You want some, meitantei-chan?"

"... Why are you going through my fridge?"

"I do it all the time, as my dear friend Pandora will testify. Do you want some ice cream?"


"My goodness, meitantei-chan, speechless? I'll get you a bowl."

Shinichi came to stand beside KID as he dug down into the pot. Funny, but she didn't remember ever having those bowls before. Quite tacky really, a pink background with orange polka dots. She might not know much about fashion, but she knew when two colours didn't mix. Maybe they were KID's.

She turned to ask the thief to find him gazing at her intently, his face just inches away. She closed her mouth and blinked. "Uh... KID?"

"I never realized before, but you really do have beautiful eyes", KID murmured. He reached up and brushed a lock of hair out of said eyes, before leaning closer.

"T-thanks", she mumbled, her heart rate increasing. She tried to step back to give herself a bit of space, only to have KID maneuver her so that her back was pressed up against the kitchen counter.

KID took her face in his hands, his red eyes gazing into her eyes intently. Then, he brought his mouth to her ear and whispered, Time to get up, Shin-chan. I'm hungry.

Shinichi's eyes snapped open, and she bolted upright in her bed.


Pandora cackled evilly as it sprinted from the room, forgetting that Shinichi still had its jewel. It let out an indignant screech as the detective tore off the necklace and hurled it at the opposite wall.


KID listened to Shinichi and Pandora's argument with growing amusement. He grinned at them from the doorway, the two so wrapped up in their argument that neither of them had noticed him.

"What's the big idea, giving me those perverted dreams? What the hell is wrong with you?!", Shinichi demanded, slamming down a cup of coffee so hard the handle broke of. Shinichi hurled it at an empty space KID assumed was Pandora.

Don't blame me, it was you having the dream! I just went along with it!

"Oh, shut up, I know it was you who did it! Who else would have such a disgusting taste in crockery? A little colour blind, are we, Pan-chan?"

Excuse me, but which one of us here is in love with a criminal?

"At least I don't fan girl over him! Really, it's pathetic how you-"

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