Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


KID looked down at Christie. She was staring at him, her eyes glazed.

"Where are... we going?"

"We're going to your friend's house." KID struggled to remember the name on the caller's ID on Christie's phone. In all the panic, he'd forgotten to ask. "You put her down as... the demon lady?"

Christie laughed weakly. "Yeah, Haibara."

"Well, I'm flying you over to her house."

"Oh." Christie glanced down at the space between them and the ground. "Don't... drop me, then."

"Oh? And what if I were to?", KID said, trying to keep up his Kaitou KID act. "... Christie?"

He looked down to see her unconscious again.

A few minutes later, KID landed inside the gates that surrounded a large house. He whistled in awe. It was huge! It was a mansion! It was-

KID glanced down at Christie worriedly. Was she steaming?

The door burst open and a large, round, elderly man hurried out. A small figure stood in the doorway behind him.

The elderly man thanked him and scooped the unconscious Christie out of KID's arms.

"Hurry!", the small figure barked from the doorway. KID recognized her voice as the same voice that had spoken so mysteriously to him over the phone. "She hasn't got much time!"

Left with no other options, KID hurried in after them.

The elderly man broke into a gallop and hurried through a door and down the staircase beyond it. KID went to follow him, but found his way barred by the small girl. She had short, brown hair, and a piercing, intelligent gaze.

Just like Christie's eyes.

"You can't go any further than this", she stated.


"No! If you're there, you might agitate her, and she'll become worse!" Haibara worded her sentence carefully, knowing how obstinate KID was. It was a wonder why Christie tolerated him- Ai would have handed him over to the police by now.

KID suddenly grinned, surprising her. "Naughty Haibara-chan!", he said. "Little kids must listen to their elders, right?" KID crouched down and poked her on the nose.

Haibara felt her temper snap. Moving so fast that KID barely registered it, she reached into the back pocket of her shorts, and brought out a gun. It was small, silver, and oddly futuristic.

"And yet everyone listens to the one holding the gun, right? Kaitou KID-niisan?", she asked menacingly, taking a leaf out of Christie's book.

KID stood up and took a step backwards. "H-hey, don't wave that around", he said nervously. Haibara watched in satisfaction as his poker face slipped. "You could hurt someone with that. Children aren't supposed to have guns..."

Haibara smirked. "Oh? And who says I'm really a child? I'm a damn sight smarter than you, in any case." She waved the gun again, and watched him take another step back. "I want Christie to be okay as much as you do. But she won't be okay if you're there, distracting her."

Even in the face of extreme danger, KID was still stubborn. "I can't just leave-"

"Oh for Christ sake", Haibara snapped. "Think about it like this: would you feel comfortable with Christie seeing you at your weakest?"

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