Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

"I'm sorry to abandon you like this, Kai-chan", Chikage said apologetically. "But it's an emergency!"

"Mum, the presentation of a new range of cosmetics by Palace is not an emergency!", Kaito snapped, glaring hatefully at the tuna salad she had left him in the fridge. He quickly closed the door with a shudder. Fish. Yeurgh.

"But they're giving out free samples", Chikage said helplessly. "And there are going to be canapes..."

"Oh, just so long if there are canapes", he said scathingly. "All can be forgiven if there are canapes."

"There's no need to be like that", Chikage said severely, trying to get back into the role of a mother rather than a naughty child. Not that acting like a mother ever seemed to change Kaito's tone when he was angry.

"It's not even like Palace is a good cosmetics company."

"I like it. Besides, the tickets, which, I remind you, were a gift, were hugely expensive. I can't back out now."

"Well... whatever", Kaito mumbled. It wasn't like guilt tripping her was going to make a difference, and besides, Chikage was already in France. It was stupid to make her come back when she was already in a different country.
After a moment or two of silence, he added grudgingly, "Have fun."

On the other side of the phone, several countries away, Chikage beamed. That was her Kai-chan! "Thanks, sweetheart! Oh, before I go, how are things going with that girlfriend of yours?", she teased.

"That one's getting old."

"You'd better hurry. She's a pretty girl, and if you don't move fast, she's going to get snapped up soon."


"That Saguru boy, for example. He seems like a bit of a ladies man."


"So, are you going to go after her or what?"

"What- I- I don't-"

"Do you need me to buy you some protection, sweetheart?"

Kaito slammed the phone down.

Honestly! What was wrong with that woman? Wasn't she meant to be the mature one?

She has a point though, a voice whispered at the back of his mind.

Kaito bit his lip.


Shinichi took a sip of her coffee and shook open the newspaper. She skimmed over an article dedicated to the family of one of the Ripper's victims, and then allowed her gaze to rest on the story of a box of abandoned- and now rescued and adopted- kittens. They had names like Snowflake and Pumpkin. Contrary to popular opinion, Shinichi actually enjoyed articles like these, articles that were so sweet as to rot your teeth, while restoring your faith in humanity.

It was early afternoon, and Shinichi had only woken up ten minutes prior. The afternoon sun streamed in through the window, bathing the room in a warm, golden glow. Orange leaves spiralled past the window, and Shinichi looked up to watch them contentedly.
It was quiet and warm and peaceful, the kind of peace you don't really appreciate until it's over-

The phone rang shrilly, shattering the silence. Shinichi closed her eyes, then stood up and walked into the hallway.

"Hello?", she said, managing to keep the angry growl out of her voice, and somehow keeping it down to a sort of modulated sigh.

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