Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Shinichi stared down at the heist note. Nakamori watched her anxiously, ignoring the taskforce members that peeped around the doorway to his office to watch the detective at work. No matter how many times they saw it, it still amazed them how she was always able to solve the heist notes so easily.

"Got it!", Shinichi announced in a matter of seconds. She reeled off the time, location, and objective of the heist before standing up to leave.

"Kudo", Nakamori said suddenly.

Shinichi turned to look at him. "Yes, Nakamori-san?"

"I... see you no longer have any bandages on?"

"Yes, my injuries have healed sufficiently enough for me to remove them."

"So... you feel alright, then?"

Several members of the taskforce exchanged glances.

"Yes, I am alright."

"Oh, that's good. Good." Nakamori rocked back of his heels uncomfortably.

Shinichi raised an eyebrow. She was pretty sure she knew the reason for his sudden concern. "I feel totally fine, Nakamori-san. Apart from the odd twinge, I feel as good as I always do. So, I am perfectly capable of attending this next heist, as long as I don't physically exert myself." Shinichi searched for a way to say the next part without making a fool of Nakamori in front of his subordinates. She was aware that her natural blunt way of speaking was going against her. Finally, she opted for, "And I'm sure the idiot thief knows it as well." She gave Nakamori a significant look as the taskforce frowned, wondering what she was talking about.

Nakamori's face cleared. "Ah. Good. That's good."

"It is, isn't it", Shinichi said cheerfully. "Goodbye, Nakamori-san. I'll see you at the next heist. " She turned and walked away.

Boy, KID must have really scared Nakamori, huh?, Pandora said wonderingly, as Shinichi exited the building.

Yeah. But it's nice to know Nakamori won't readily put me in that situation again.

Yeah. That's something.


She turned to see Hakuba running towards her. She waited for him to catch up to her. He braced himself against his knees, panting heavily.

"Sorry", Shinichi said. "I was... thinking about something."

"It's okay", Hakuba gasped, straightening up. "I heard there was another heist note?"

"Yeah, I just solved it."

"Could you tell me what it said?"

Shinichi frowned, but told Hakuba anyway.

We're like, right next to the building, Pandora said irritably. Why doesn't he just go in there and ask them?

Hakuba thanked her, then looked at her with sudden suspicion. "Shinichi-chan... I don't suppose you could pinch your cheek? Like Nakamori does to the taskforce?"

"Er... okay." Puzzled, Shinichi pinched her cheek and pulled it away from her face. Entranced, a child walking past stopped to watch the mad lady contorting her face for the blonde man.

"Thank you", Hakuba said, relieved.

Shinichi released her cheek. "Are you okay? You seem a little on edge."

Hakuba rubbed his face. "It's KID", he said wearily. "Or, I very much suspect it's him. Someone keeps rigging my shower with different coloured dyes. It's done randomly, so I never know when I'm being pranked."

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