Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

"But... how..." Nakamori's eyes bugged. "Where did you get that?!"

Shinichi shrugged nonchalantly, twirling the tiara in her hands. "Found it on the kitchen counter. I guess KID broke into my house and left it there."

Nakamori reached out slowly and took the tiara from her hands, handling it carefully lest it disappear in a puff of smoke. "Why would he deliver it directly to your house?"

"He's done stranger things." Like go through my fridge.

Shinichi would be having a word with KID.

Nakamori accepted this explanation- hey, this was KID- and sat behind his desk. He looked up as a thought occurred to him. "Any word about the mon- your friend?"

Shinichi shook her head, her blue eyes becoming worried. She said goodbye to Nakamori and left the office, heading home. She decided to walk part of the way, seeing as it was a nice day out. Chilly, but nice. She weaved between other people on the street, concentrating on her thoughts.

Hattori had been missing for a few days now. Despite what others seemed to think, Shinichi was certain he wasn't out exploring the place, or 'having some fun'. She knew he wouldn't have gone this long without calling her- they were sharing a house, after all- which left her with the impression that he couldn't call her.
And, knowing the enemies she had, that was a very bad thing.

She didn't really suspect the Black Organisation though- this didn't seem to be their style. But she was keeping an eye out, just in case.

Shinichi glanced both ways at a pair of traffic lights, and was halfway across the road before blaring horns caught her attention. A hand closed around her elbow and yanked her to safety just seconds before a van went through the red light, passing swiftly through the space Shinichi had just vacated. The van driver yelled something at her, which was answered with an angry expletive by whoever had just saved her. Shinichi glanced up to see a stranger, a guy around her age with a fairly pleasant face gesticulating angrily at the van driver before turning to her.

"Hey, are you okay?", he asked. He swiped a lock of light brown hair out of his eyes.

Shinichi blinked at him. "Uh, yeah. Thanks."

"No problem. I didn't hurt you, did I?"

"No, no. I'm fine."

"I can't believe that guy. Went straight through those red lights, and then had the nerve to yell at us!"

Shinichi nodded. Pandora stirred in her head and looked with interest at the strangely gabby guy who had just saved its guardian's life.

"You looked pretty deep in thought. Anything on your mind?"

"Um, sort of."

"What's up?"

Shinichi gave him a vague smile and began to walk. To her surprise, the stranger offered her a grin and kept pace. "I'll walk you home", he offered.

"It's okay-"

"No, no, I insist."

I think he's into you.


Don't go into any dark alleys.

"So what's up?", the stranger asked again. "You looked kind of sad. Is there anything troubling you?"

Shinichi looked at him sideways. "Were you... watching me?"

"Sure was!", he chirped. "What?"

"Nothing", Shinichi mumbled. Was this normal? Was this flirting? Was he flirting with her?

"Do I have to ask you again what was the matter?"

"I- it's not... well..." Shinichi looked up at the sky, then down at her shoes. "I mean, I've only just met you..."

"I make a great agony aunt", he assured her.

I feel like I know him from somewhere...

Seems familiar, doesn't he?, Shinichi agreed.

"One of my friends has gone missing. Presumed dead", she said.

He bit his lip. "Ooh. I can see why you'd be distracted."

Shinichi snorted, then shrugged. "I'd rather not think of it, really. But it's just there, in my head. I just wish I could take a break from my mind."

He was silent for a moment. Then, he grinned.

"Watch this", he said. Shinichi obliged, watching as he rubbed his palms together as they walked. Something was growing as he opened them up, something clear with a rainbow tint.

"A... bubble?"

The space between his palms widened until there was a huge bubble sitting in his hands. They stopped walking, standing in the middle of the street as the bubble warped to become the shape of a dove.

Shinichi looked up into his eyes without moving her head. He grinned at her.

"Impressive", she said. Now she understood why she found him familiar. Trust that stupid thief to follow her around in disguise.

"That's it?"

Shinichi shrugged. "It's cute. I like that."

"Can you figure out how its done?"

Shinichi leaned forwards and blew on the bubble. It quivered, but kept its shape. "I don't know."

The 'stranger' gasped dramatically. "You can't figure it out?!"

"I don't think I want to", she said softly, still looking at the bubble.

KID was silent for a moment. Then he said, "That's the spirit."


Once KID got Shinichi home, he had to stand somewhere quiet and let himself cool off. When she was looking at that dove, refused to figure out his trick... well, he had been hard pressed not to throw his arms arms around her or do anything equally sudden. Somehow, it was harder to refrain from being spontaneous around her when not in his KID costume...

But now KID had something else to deal with. He had noticed a man following them both as they made their way to Shinichi's home, and saw by her head movements that the detective noticed it too. But she had shot him a warning look when he had gone to comment about it, and so no words on the matter were exchanged.

But now Shinichi was safely back at her house, KID decided that he should perhaps check up on the man following them.
It hadn't escaped his notice that the man in question had been dressed all in black.

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