Jin's breath hitched when the door to the basement was swung open into the wall. It startled him a bit and he jumped in his seat – as well as he could anyway...

Someone stumbled down the stairs, only illuminated by a thin swath of light spilling down the steps. Jin blinked a few times, the sudden light a bit hurtful to his eyes since he was so used to the dark. When the man finally stumbled his way to the bottom, Jin was able to recognize his figure. He gulped, completely unhappy with the realization that sunk into him as he identified the man.


Dread, fear and adrenaline all seemed to pool into Jin's stomach and rush through the rest of his body as the man came closer. He was stumbling the whole way, cursing and muttering things Jin couldn't even make out. He wasn't sure if they were gibberish or a different language when the man came even closer to him, face half hidden by a tattered old baseball cap.

Tears pricked at Jin's eyes as his hair was gripped and ripped back. He screeched rather loudly before he saw the dark eyes of Yoongi in his own, staring him down, a murderous look on his face daring Jin to make another sound. He stank of alcohol and something chemical and smoky. If Jin was to guess, he would bet drugs and pot or perhaps he had been smoking something just as bad or worse...

Jin squirmed when he felt Yoongi slide down and sit on his lap, one leg of either side of Jin's. In the situation Jin was in, he could do nothing but pull at his bindings and whine in the back of his throat. He knew better than to scream. This man carried a knife on him and god knows what else. He could simply cut Jin's throat open if he didn't want to listen to the screaming anymore.

"You know why you're still alive, right, pretty boy?" Yoongi's words were slurred and fell out of his mouth sloppily, "You're just a little whore we get to use for fun now. We don't need you anymore, pretty boy. The cops have come and gone, they won't be back here. Namjoon has no reason to try and save your ass." A gummy smile curved his lips upwards as he listened to Jin shuffle in his seat and whimper at the dirty words dripping from Yoongi's mouth. The man ripped the baseball cap of his head and let his fall to the cold, concrete floor.

Jin's breathing increased, short puffs of breath slipping out of his now open lips as his mind raced to keep calm in his current situation. Why did Yoongi have it out for him? It was the middle of the night... there was no one he could call on for help. And even if he could, if what Yoongi was saying was true he was nothing but useless anyway.

Jin couldn't stop the short cry that came from his mouth when Yoongi angled his head farther back. He was immediately shushed, but not violently so as he had expected. Instead Yoongi had pushed himself against Jin's chest to whisper soothing words of nothingness near his ear in a mock attempt to pacify him. Jin squirmed more under Yoongi's weight and the uncomfortable feeling of his head being restrained. His scalp was starting to burn with the pressure being put on the locks of his hair and Yoongi wasn't letting go or letting his hold slack in the least.

Jin jumped when he felt something wet on his throat before realizing what it was. He heard Yoongi chuckling against his skin and shivered as the hot breath came and hit the now wet patch of his neck. The gangster had licked a hot stripe from the bottom of his throat to the bottom of his chin and was now sitting back as if enjoying Jin's reaction of pitiful dismay.

"Do you like that?" he asked before letting his teeth graze the skin. Goosebumps appeared without any warning, chilling Jin's skin and making the hairs on his arms stand on end. He squirmed again, futilely trying to bring his legs up to jar Yoongi off his lap.

"No!" Jin whimpered. He could feel his tears leaking out of his eyes and making their way down the side of his face before dropping off onto the floor.

"I bet you'd look so sexy covered in your own blood," Yoongi pulled back to let his eyes wander over Jin's body as if making sure what he had just said was accurate. He seemed satisfied with what he saw and went back to sucking on Jin's throat.

"Please, stop!"

Yoongi leaned back again, "Maybe I should carve my name into your chest with my switchblade so if you ever do get free everyone will know who you belong to." He chuckled darkly slipping the blade out of his pocket and flicking it open with a flourish.

Jin couldn't handle it anymore. He was babbling pleas, whining and whimpering under Yoongi rough touch. When the cold steel of the gangster's blade came into contact with his shoulder, he screamed. Yoongi was still there, shushing him and digging the blade a bit farther into his skin, enjoying the way his hot blood trickled out and painted his knife and Jin's shirt a lovely crimson. Jin was screaming for help now, begging any individual who would listen to him to come and help. His shoulder was on fire – being torn and ripped by Yoongi's knife as he pushed the blade even deeper. Yoongi didn't like the amount of noise he was making. He took the blade away from Jin's skin, letting it clatter to the cold, concrete floor. His hand came around to rest on Jin's throat. He dug his thumb into Jin's windpipe, cutting off his breathing and making Jin's last scream halt into a hoarse whisper.

Jin was in agony. There was nothing to distract him from the stinging, burning feeling in his shoulder. Yoongi had cut into him deeply and Jin knew just by seeing how much blood was still oozing out that it would leave a substantial scar. Not being able to scream, all Jin would do was cry. His head was still angled back by one of Yoongi's hands while the other one was now focused on cutting off his air. Stars dance in his vision, a hazy black border surrounding his line of sight and doing nothing but growing as the seconds ticked by.

Jin struggled, the need for air becoming vital and he started bucking in his seat with desperation, choking and whimpering under Yoongi's hold. He was unable to breath as all Yoongi's hand did was tighten, his thumb digging painfully into Jin's windpipe, cutting off all his air entirely. Jin's body slowly went slack and time seemed to slow. He could distantly hear some kind of yelling but he didn't have it in himself to try and figure out where it was coming from. His eyes drifted shut. He could still feel Yoongi's hand squeezing his neck and see his uncaring, stoic expression as his world went dark.


Gotta keep you readers on your toes. this is an action book, too y'know XD

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