Kiba- If your not the one (continue)

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Kiba hadn't spoken a word to you in the 2 hours of this party.
To be fair, you had been occupied with the others.
Naruto, loveable as he was... Never. Shut. Up. His questions were endless.
Hinata also talked to you for the majority of the evening. Her and Tenten seemed particularly interested in acting as if you'd never left. It was refreshing, but now you had lost Kiba.
Where was he?
You had some unfinished business.
The party was in full swing, people drinking and dancing. Half of the town was here now. You hated it.
None of the Akatsuki were there yet, despite your insistence that they were to be there.
It made you anxious.
Not that you'd ever show that. Of course not. On the outside you seemed as cool as a cucumber while on the inside all of these people with no one to have your back around made you want to get out of there as fast as you could. So, that's exactly what you did. Your heels klipped the ground as you walked, a cigarette and lighter in your left hand and a bottle of Vodka with a bottle of cola between your fingers in your right as you sauntered off into the woods behind your house.
Fuck a party, all you needed was some vodka and you'd have your own kinda fun.
Ah there they were. Those fallen trees that brought back so many memories back.

"Catch me if you can dog boy!" A young 13 year old you giggled running off into the trees. Your best friend grumbled about how much of a 'pain in the ass' you were. You held his phone in one hand as you raced away.
Turning you tripped, catching your foot in the root of a tree.
You yelped in pain as you hut the ground like a sack of potatoes. Kibas phone fell to, smashing as it hut the ground.
Oh hell.
"Y/n! You ok?" Kiba yelled running toward you as you got up.
Your ankle hurt, but you knew it was just a sprain.
Kiba, the protective best friend he was, wasn't so happy to let you walk it off.
"Come on, let's get you to someplace you can sit. I want to check that and your house is to far away."
So together you walked, well, Kiba walked and basically carried the majority of your weight until you got to a fallen tree.
"I'm sorry about your phone." You muttered as he inspected your ankle. Kiba himself had an extensive knowledge for a boy his age of animal bodies, he had a fascination in veterinary medicine.
So, you weren't sure how to feel about him inspecting your foot. After all, he was only 13.
He stopped, looking up at you and placing a hand ever so gently on the side of your face. His thumb scraped off the small splatters of mud on your cheek bone. His dark eyes looked into yours and he sent you a serious look.
"I don't give a damn about the phone y/n. As long as YOU are ok, then I'm happy." He smiled so gently at you, your stomach fluttered.
That was the first time in your young life you'd ever fallen in love.
"Won't your mum be mad? I swear I'll pay for it." You breathed out. Kiba almost looked offended.
"No you won't. Don't worry a pretty hair on that head of yours baby. I'll sort that." And with that, he leant in and kissed you for the first time.
It was a relatively slow kiss, not the best proformance you ever gave . But it was your first kiss, who could judge?
And in that moment, you knew, he was the one.
End of flashback

A half bottle of Vodka later and you heard a deep low and threatening growl behind you.
Oh fuck.
You turned slowly so as not to startle the beast. Only to find, it was a...big fluffy dog.
Mainly white with the tips of its ears different. It looked oddly familiar to you.
"Please tell me your Akamaru and not some vicious trained killer dog?" You said looking at the dogs brown eyes. As soon as it heard it's name, it whined, tilting it's head sideways and sitting. As if asking how you knew it.
"Your a bigger fur ball than I left you aren't you? Come on, I'll give you a belly rub." The dog flopped over onto its belly. You almost cracked a smile.
You sat for the next 5 minutes rubbing the huge dogs tummy before you heard: "Akamaru! AKAMARU! Come here boy!"
Oh shit.
The bushes to the side of you rustled, and in the longest second you'd ever felt, out came Kiba.
You both froze in place.
"Kiba..." The name came from your lips almost like a curse before you could stop it. He raised a perfect brow.
"You remember my name. Nice to know I wasn't completely forgotten." He shrugged. His dark eyes looked at you, scrutinising you.
You hated it.
"You know damn well I never forgot you Kiba." You snapped with a glare. He glared back with equal passion.
"Fuck this. I didn't come to argue with you Y/n give me my damn dog."
You shook your head. "We need to talk."
Kiba almost growled at you, stalking toward you. You stood your ground, he wouldn't hurt you. He never could.
"You've did enough of that already. Why don't you let me speak." He spoke with a certainty which told you that he wasn't actually asking. So you just stood, preparing for the onslaught.
"I loved you, y/n. I loved you so damn much it hurt when I wasn't with you. I didn't care that Itachi and Sasuke wouldn't approve of it I would take a bullet for you. Then you fucked off and you left me here in this shithole alone so you could go off with some damn criminals, did you even think of me? Did you ever wonder where I was or wonder if I was ok? That's all I ever thought about was you y/n. Then you come back after years being gone and don't even show your face to me until a damn party that your brother had to invite me to. We lied to eachother, your not my one and I'm not your one. I'll never be enough for you. That promise means nothing now. Your not mine anymore and I'm not yours."

Sorry about the long wait, but we are nearing the end of it. Next chapter should be the last one of this story, I'm excited☺

Until next time😊

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