Shikamaru short story- Tutor (end)

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There was no longer any doubt that you liked your brothers best friend.
Oh hell.

"Y/n..." Shikamaru started but you smiled.
"Whoever she is she's lucky to have you." It was a weak attempt to act like you didn't care and somehow you knew Shikamaru was going to see right through it. He always did.
Shikamaru could clearly see your unhappiness and it made his heart ache. But it also gave him slight hope.
"What about you? Why haven't you ever kissed anyone?" Shika nearly laughed at your jump when the next clap of thunder echoed throughout the house. So childlike. "Look at me y/n. It's just thunder. Your fine, lightning is not going to hit the house and even if it does I'll get you out of here before anything gets a chance to hurt you, ok?" Your e/c eyes were swimming with unshed tears as you nodded to him. The candles were almost out and after that you knew that Shikamaru was not leaving this room because as selfish as it was you needed his reassurance.
He sighed and shook his head in defeat. "We better get ready to sleep. I'll take Kibas r-"
"No!" You shouted voice full of fear " please you have to stay with me please." It only took one look at your beautiful eyes and he nodded forgetting just for a moment that this was his best friends sister.
"OK...we'd better just get ready I'll just sleep like this I guess."
"Won't you be uncomfortable?" You asked softly resting your left hand on his chest. He shrugged.
"I can't very well sleep without my shirt on and I don't have pj bottoms with me." Somehow you felt the idea of him sleeping shirtless in your bed very appealing.
"You can borrow some of Kibas he won't mind. And as for the shirt..." You swallowed hard and slid your hand up until it was cupping his jaw "I have no objections to you taking it off." His dark eyes met yours as you climbed off him extending a hand to him. "I'm not going by myself, am I Shika?"
Shikamaru's head was swimming...had she really just said that or had he been dreaming?
Snapping him out of his thoughts you took his hand and pulled him up. "Shika please come with me it's dark I can't go alone." You pleaded eventually he just nodded and stood up with you. The room was so dark that you couldn't see a thing and neither could he. So together you and he moved down the hall to get to Kibas room bumping into a few obsicals along the way.
"You know what I just thought about?" Shikamaru said to you as you faced away from him. You could hear him unzipping his trousers and sliding them down his long legs.
"What?" You answered.
"We have lights on our phone." It took a few seconds to register in your head that he was right and then two seconds later you were both laughing at your stupidity.
Until lightning struck and you ran to Shikamaru in fright.
"Your such a scaredy cat" He laughed patting your h/c hair. You huffed and just grumbled 'I'm not a scaredy cat'.
You both made your way back to your room and instantly you took Shika's hand and pulled him into bed with you. It was freezing and you wouldn't be letting him sleep on the floor.
"Y/n I don't think I should-" He started but this time you covered his mouth with your hand.
"No you can sleep in my bed it's big enough for us both and I'm not having you on the floor. Kiba doesn't have to know if you think he'll be mad." You smiled. It was so dark you could barely see his face and couldn't tell if he was smiling or not. You pulled him down to lay next to you and Shikamaru's heart was beating so fast he wondered if you could hear it.
"Y/n Kiba would kill me if he knew about this..." Shikamaru sighed placing a hand on your cheek. He couldn't stop himself. Every logical part in his mind was telling him to get the hell out of that bed...but his brain wasn't listening. No instead it was doing what it wanted to. No logic. No thoughts. No doubts.
"Shika it's ok." You whispered your right hands came to hold his to your cheek while your left went to his chest. "I want to kiss you."
Shikamaru's heart stopped. "W-what?" He fekt you shifting closer.
"I'm going to kiss you." And so you did.

Two weeks later
That night ended unfortunately after that kiss. You didn't remember much else other than how amazing Shikamaru was at kissing. The next day Kiba and your mum came home and Shikamaru left and hasn't spoken to you since.
Like what happened between you both meant nothing.
He avoided you, it was obvious. Even Naruto noticed it.
Shikamaru spent more and more time watching clouds or reading than ever before. He'd talk, but as soon as you tried his mind went to that kiss and the amount of guilt he felt was indescribable. What would Kiba think? His best friend making out with his younger sister then cuddling her all night?
Shikamaru knew exactly what Kiba would think. And what he would do.
So Shikamaru stayed away, he loved you and it was difficult, he knew it was hurting you, but Kiba finding out would ruin the friendship and the sibling bond you and Kiba shared would be damaged.
You walked into school, the sky darker than the nights sky. Snow, where it had came from no one had a clue. Just 2 weeks ago the sun was shining. Now it was like winter had came very very early. The wind whipped at your skin lashing it with malice intent. Inside there was few people, the snow had blocked many in. You and Kiba had walked. Your jeans were covered from your knee to the souls of your feet.
In total, there were only 43 people there. Including teachers.
Why the hell wasn't it called off?
Out of your group, only Naruto and Shikamaru were there.
His warm brown eyes met yours for a fraction of a second before he quickly glanced away. Naruto obviously noticed, sending you a kind smile and a smirk. His eyes gleamed with delight.
"Hey y/n, Kiba." Naruto smiled. Shikamaru grunted, nodding his ignolagement to Kiba. Ouch.
The bell rang for first period and you sighed. Chemistry. So, as you all walked to chemistry together, your legs felt like jelly. They were so unbelievably cold that you were finding it hard to bare weight on them.
Naruto turned to you "y/n you look dead. Your freezing and I doubt those clothes help." His blue eyes glanced around your brother and Shikamaru. "Does anyone have spare clothes?"
Kiba shook his head. Clearly, his big hairy legs were more adapt to this freezing weather than your shaved ones.
The problems of being a woman.
"Sorry sissy, I don't have P.E today." He shrugged.
"Oh, don't you have P.E today Shikamaru? You always wear joggers and a hoodie anyway to that. She could borrow it." Naruto suggested. Not at all subtly.
Shikamaru glared at the young blond who just winked. "She could if she wanted but she doesn't know my locker, it's in the boys P.E area."
You stood awkwardly. Your feet were numb, your body felt week. You just wanted to dry off and go home.
"Great, you take her todo that. I'll tell Mr. What's-his-face." And with that, Naruto and Kiba were gone.
Like ninjas after a smoke bomb.
Well...this is awkward...
Shikamaru sighed, looking at you. "Come on, I'll take you to get some clothes" His eyes scanned your shaking firm, lips tilting down in an unappreciative frown. "You look exaughted y/n."
You rolled your eyes. So that's how he wanted to be? Act like you had both never kissed, then be caring when you were alone?
Hell naw.
"Don't start. Shikamaru just stop." You snapped. Though you felt exaughted, and hurt, you would not cry in front of him.
You just wanted to go home.
And that's exactly where you were headed.
"Tell Kiba I went home." You growled. And stalked off.

What an infuriating woman! Can she not just do a damn thing she's told? She'll freeze to death!
Shikamaru raced after you, not that you had gone far. "Y/n! Y/n wait! You'll freeze to death out there, it's not safe!"
You turned on your heel. Cocking your head to the side as you looked at him. "I am going home Shikamaru. I'll be less 'troublesome' to you there."
"I didn't call you troublesome y/n." He muttered weakly. You just humped, storming off again. Again, he chased.
He caught up to you and gently grasped your arm. "You are not walking all the way home in this bloody weather. If you want to go home that badly I will drive you but your not walking. Take your pick."
You knew that face. It was the 'I'm not taking anymore of your shit' face.
"Fine, take me home."

You sat like a petulant child the hole way there, refusing to ignolage the man beside you. The snow clogged up the roads, the conditions hazardous and difficult to drive in.
When you reached your house you jumped out the car and stormed into your home.
What Shikamaru did next suprised you.
He stormed in after you and let out everything inside. "A thank you would have been nice! You know what it's not like I wanted to have to fucking stay away from you y/n but you are my best friends little sister what was I meant todo? Turn around and tell Kiba that I'm in love with you? We both know he would have kicked my ass for it! Kissing you that night was the best thing I've ever felt y/n don't doubt that and I'm sorry that I stayed away it hurt me as much as it hurt you because I love you with every bone in my body and if you'll still have me I will tell Kiba right now just to make it up to you. I can't take being away from you."
You just stood, shocked, still holding the phone up to your ear that you had just called your brother on. For being a genius, Shikamaru really needed better observation skills.
"You kissed my little sister?!"

After a long day of talking Kiba down from killing his best friend you and Shikamaru got together. The relationship had its ups and down (mostly because of Kiba) but yous still married soon after university. Your mental health put a strain on the marriage as your depression got worse but Shikamaru stayed through it all and eventually 3 kids came from your life together. As complicated as it may be.

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