Requested-Garra gets jealous Exchange atudents (continued)

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You laughed when you felt someone cover your eyes from behind, knowing instantly that it was Sasuke since he's the only one that does that. "Guess who?" He whispered right in your ear.
"Umm...Kankuro?" He laughed "well if its not him then I guess it must be the annoying pain in my ass called Sasuke." You laughed as he walked in front of you, holding just above his heart with a fake look of hurt.
"Your mean you know." He said.
Over the past few weeks surprisingly Sasuke and you had became very close friends. He still hit on you like a done of bricks falling from a skyscraper, but he would also laugh and joke with you.
Gaara on the other hand was like a caveman when Sasuke was around.
"Do you two mind not flirting for a minute?" Naruto laughed walking to the table you all sat at. "Like seriously teamie Gaara is going to burst soon."
"He had his chance." Sasuke said sitting next to you. In Gaara's seat.
Oh boy
"Your in Gaara's seat." You said quickly seeing Temari, Kankuro and most importantly Gaara walking towards the table. Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Sasuke please, it's Gaara's seat he won't like this."
"Relax y/n, it's just a seat." He laughed but you were getting nervous seeing that Gaara had noticed and had a terrifying look on his face.
"I'll move on one condition." He said just as Gaara got there.
"Anything." You said seeing Gaara's patients grow thin.
"Go on a date with me tomorrow night." Your eyes widened as you looked into Sasuke's black eyes.
You liked Sasuke as a friend. Not as a potential boyfriend!
"" How could you say no without hurting him?
"No." Gaara snapped. Apparently like that.
Sasuke glared up at Gaara "Let her answer for herself."
"I'm pretty sure she doesn't like you like that." Gaara seethed. Sasuke stood up, toe to toe with Gaara now. This is not a good idea.
"And she likes you like that? You act like a fucking caveman with her. You had your chance and you blue it, it's my turn." Sasuke all but shouted. The hole cafeteria had there eyes on the scene now making you uncomfortable. You heard Naruto mumble and 'uh oh'.
Wait what 'turn'?
"That has nothing to do with this Uchiha. But. Out."
"Or what?"
You had had enough of this. "Guys, come on that's enough." You said standing up and standing between the two males, facing Gaara. You knew that Gaara had an explosive temper but wouldn't even try to hurt anyone with you in the middle. Since they were taller than you they just looked at each other over your head.
"I'm warning you Uchiha, stay away from her." This got your attention.
"Hey wait a second-"
"If I don't? What do you thinks going to happen cause I know the result will be the same. She's over you." Sasuke smirked. Gaara's jaw clenched as did his fists. "You know what the sad part is, you actually basically handed her to me."
"She's not an object you prick."
"I know that but you didn't help your case."
"Maybe but all the plastic surgery in the world won't help your face when I'm done with it."
"GUYS!" You screamed hoping to get there attention, completely astounded by the way they were talking about you. Both the boys looked down at you with surprise as if just noticing you were there. "I'm not an object! How dare either of you treat me like one!" They went to argue, stepping away from one another "No! You-" you yelled pointing at Sasuke "have no right to automatically assume that I would say yes to a date with you! And you-" you yelled now pointing your finger at Gaara "have no right to answer for me! Your both acting like children fighting over the latest toy!"
"I'm sorry." They both said at the same time. You just shook your head, heartbroken that they would behave like this about you.
"I am going to get to class and none of you had better fallow me or I swear to god I'll kick you in the balls so hard they'll go inside you instead of out!" Picking up your bag you stormed out of the dining hall with Temari and y/b/f/n fallowing you and astonished look on everyone's faces.
"Well...that went better than I thought." Naruto laughed.

You sat on the roof of the school at 8:30pm thinking over everything you'd said. Gaara's behaviour was strange lately, even more so than usual.
He got so jealous so quickly.
"Mind if I join you?" A voice said from the side. You jumped a little but relaxed when you looked over and saw Gaara. He was staring at you, no expression on his face.
"Depends on wither or not you'll act like a caveman." You shrugged.
"Can't promise anything." He joked a little, and just then you knew he was definitely trying to make it up to you. He never joked.
You nodded and he came, sitting next to you. For the next few minutes there was an awkward silence, you refused to look at Gaara but all he did was stare at you.
"I really am sorry you know." He said quietly.
"I know."
"I've got a question for you y/n." You looked up into his sea foam green eyes tilting your head a little. "Do you like Sasuke?"
"As a friend yes but not as anything else." You muttered looking away. "It's hard to like someone when you know your in love with someone else." You thought not knowing that you had said it out loud.
"Y-you're...I-in love?" He said. Gaara felt what was left of his heart break. You were in love with someone. He had lost you.
The idiot didn't know you were talking about him.
"I have to go." You got up and Gaara didn't stop you. You walked away and Gaara didn't stop you. You walked home and Gaara didn't stop you.
Feeling utterly destroyed Gaara went home that night and recked his room. Having no other way to get the anger out.

You were in love with another guy, well so he thought. And he didn't know what todo or why his heart hurt.

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