Itachi-Naruto short story Trying to forget

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People would tell you just to forget.
To forget about him.
Forget about your time together.
Forget how he made you feel.
Forget everything to do with him.
But you couldn't.
You couldn't forget about him, you'd be lying if you said you hadn't tried, because god knows how many times you've tried but failed miserably.
Itachi Uchiha had been your best friend, and your boyfriend, your rock. That's what he had been. After the massacre of the Uchiha clan you were devastated. He had killed his hole family and made his brother watch as he did it.
Itachi and you had fallen in love after spending your childhood years and some of your teenage years being best friends. His father hated that his son was in love with someone from a lower clan but Itachi was stubborn and would not let anyone tell him he could not see you. Despite this he had loved his clan, his family, so much that he would never have hurt them.
So after he had killed them all and left you watched over Sasuke because you knew that Itachi must have been forced by someone to do it. He would not have killed his own family.
You and Kakashi were out on a mission together to the waive village, playing the part of an engaged couple. It wasn't awkward as you'd did similar missions in the past however you were both really good friends.
"Y/n!" Kakashi yelled snapping his fingers in front of your face.
"Hm?" You asked snapping out of your trance. He sighed. He new you did that often, went into spells of thought over him.
"You were thinking of him weren't you?" He smiled a little. Yes you were one of the few that had saw Kakashi with his mask off and you had to admit he was handsome with and without the mask. You nodded sheepishly and he sighed as you both continued walking.
"It must be hard" you looked up at him tilting your head in confusion. "being in love with someone you know you'll never be able too have. I can't even imagine it y/n. But Itachi left years ago and you will eventually have to try and move on."
"So just forget?" You snapped angrily.
"No, you can't forget someone so precious to you y/n." He smiled pulling up his mask as you reached the bridge to the waive village.
You instantly slipped your hand into his as you walked. Wanting to act like you were a couple.
You walked around town gathering data on the suspect as you went along. You could feel eyes on you the hole time but saw nothing suspicious so let it go. At some point to make people think you were together you'd have to hug or kiss in public but that wasn't exactly your favourite part of the job.
"Let's go get some lunch." Kakashi said and you knew that was the code for, we need to act more like a couple. You walked through a park with some sandwiches and sat on a bench. Even doing this you had to act like a couple so you rested your head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around your waist.
People always said you and Kakashi should try dating, however you'd rehearsed so much that it's seem fake. That and you felt no romantic feelings for him.
"Let's get this over with." Kakashi said in your ear. You nodded acting totally natural as you went to kiss his covered lips, you didn't get very far as a kuni flue through the air between you both. Your head snapped to the side, people screamed and ran but your eyes were only on one man in a black cloche with red clouds.
Itachi Uchiha.
You could hear Kakashi shouting your name but you were to caught up starring into Itachis sharagan eyes.
You did eventually jump out of your trance when another akatski member grabbed a little boy.
As fast as lightning you jumped up and rammed your fist into the other mans side, the kid fell and you instantly caught him but made him run. You looked behind you to see Kakashi fighting Itachi and knew there was nothing you could do. Now for the blond boy with mouths on his hands.
"Let's just get this over with." You said and lunged at him. You fought for what felt like years before you were both exhausted. You looked around to see Itachi about to stab Kakashi in the chest. A fatal wound.
"Kakashi!" You screamed as the blond boy restrained you. "Itachi no! Please don't kill him!" Itachi paused but didn't look at you. "If you ever cared about what we had then please, for me, don't."
Itachi stopped and looked into your eyes, using a jutsu he made you fall asleep and walked away from the unable to move Kakashi. Deadara let go of you letting Itachi hold you bridal style as he maid a giant clay bird with the last of his chakra.
"I told you to tier her, not hurt her. Your lucky I don't kill you myself." Itachi glared.
Deadara shrugged. "She's tougher than she looks un."
"If she is seriously injured I wi-"
"She's not un. Now let's get out of here."
Itachi nodded kissing your forehead because he had missed you and ,as a deterrent. He didn't want any of the other scum to think they had a chance. Even though he knew he had no chance either.
With that Itachi climbed onto the huge clay bird and flew off to the akatski base.

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