Sasuke-short story- Come back Well this is gonna be fun

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Sasuke Uchiha had been your best friend before he left the village. You had always wanted it to be more than best friends but now you knew that wouldn't happen.
It was late at night as you sat on top of the hokage mountain and watched the stars, thinking of him. It had only been a few months that he had been gone and you were already missing him like crazy. Of course you knew how important his revenge was to him, you may not have understood it but you knew it was important to him.
But to leave with Orichimaru was something even you never thought he would do.
And you were apparently the person he let in the most.
How could he do this? I love him...but now I'll never get the chance to tell him. Close to tears you stood up and dusted yourself off. You were not crying over someone who didn't want you in there life.
Unlike Naruto who held full hope that he would come back or Naruto would make him come back, you knew he wouldn't. He was stubborn and stupid.
I love you Sasuke Uchiha but I'm not waiting for you to come back. You thought as you roof jumped yourself into your room, you h/l h/c hair flowing in the wind.
Completely unaware of the older Uchiha brother watching you with his friend from the Akatski beside him.
The next afternoon
"Hey y/n!" Troji said as he sat next to you while you were ready your book at the water. You looked up and smiled at the boy who was, no surprise here, eating a bag of crisps (chips if your American).
"How are you Troji? I haven't saw you in a few days." You asked with a pleasant smile, it was true that you had been avoiding him and the others since Sasuke left.
"I'm ok I guess, how are you?" He asked and as you were about to answer Itachi Uchiha's partner Kisami appeared in front of you grabbing Troji around the neck and holding a kuni to his throat in a flash.
"Troji!" You yelled as the shark like man jumped away from you.
"You come with us and we don't kill him." The haunting voice of an older Uchiha said calmly from behind you. His breath washed over your neck and sent shivers down your spine.
What the hell did the Akatski want you for when your clan was nothing special. It had no special abilities or jutsu.
"What do you want me for?" You snapped not turning to face Itachi but keeping your eye on the kuni so close to your friends throat.
"Wrong answer." Kisami said pushing his kuni into Troji's neck more.
"No! No please, I'm sorry just don't hurt him. I'll do whatever you want." You rushed out putting your hands above your head. Troji's eyes widened as he began to shake his head but Kisami hut a certain pressure point that nocked him out quickly and then flung him away as if he was nothing.
Itachi grabbed your neck from behind, using the same pressure point had you out cold as well.

a day later
Sasuke walked into the sand village confidently since thanks to the jutsu Orichimaru had him learn over the past few weeks made sure his face was different and so was his hair and eyes.
He had a simple mission and that was to learn some about what the Akatski were up to lately. Easy enough.
"Did you hear about the girl abducted from the leaf village?" A villager asked another in the small cafe Sasuke was sitting in. This caught his attention.
"Ye y/n l/n was it?" Another asked and Sasuke's heart stopped for a moment.
"Ye apparently a witness said it was the Akatski. God love the poor girl having to face both Kisami, one of the 7 great swordsman, and Itachi Uchiha at the same time. It must have been terrible for her." The first one said.
"Well if they don't kill her god knows what they'll put her through." The second said.
I'll kill him.
"I can tell you one thing if she's stuck in a place full of probably horny men..." And Sauke had had enough listening.
Fuck it, fuck I never should have left her alone!
Angry Sasuke all but ran back to the hide out, thinking of how he was going to get y/n away from the Akatski while keeping Orichimaru in the dark.

At the Akatski base
You opened your eyes to complete darkness. Groggily you tried to move your arms and legs to discover they had been strapped to the highly uncomfortable chair, probably wooden you noted.
"Um can someone please untie me from this horribly uncomfortable chair,or maybe give me some cushions?" You laughed humourlessly. One of the things your father tought you was that a sense of humour could keep you sane when your enemy had you captive. "You know you all seriously suck when it comes to hospitality in this place!"
"For fuck sake woman shut the fuck up before I cut your god damn tongue out!" A man yelled.
The door opened and you saw a the figure of a tall man at the door. Thanks for showing me the door. The man put the lights on, probably to see you better but you were thankful for it this time. It gave you a chance to come up with any possible escape roots but you only saw the prison like door. There were no windows. Just the chair you were sitting on and a light in the plane which room.
"Well your just a bundle of joy aren't cha?" You asked with a laugh. The man had silver hair, he was tall and muscled and wore his ninja headband around his neck.
Great, I get the psycho to make sure I'm 'comfortable' you thought knowing all to much about Hidan and his ritualistic ways.
"You know girl I'll wipe that fucking smug ass smile from your face in a few fucking seconds if you don't shut up!" He yelled.
"Someone's got a temper, and do you kiss your mother with that mouth?" You questioned, purely to annoy Hidan. "So oldy want to tell my why I'm here?"
"We want my brother." His haunting voice said from behind Hidan. Do they seriously think I know where Sasuke is?
"Well tough luck because I don't know. Even if I did know I wouldn't tell you."
"Oh we know you don't know where he is you bitch, but I've got a feeling that when that fucker Sasuke finds out his little girlfriend is with us, the stupid asshole will come running." Hidan smiled a sickening smile. "But until then I think I'll have some fun with you."
"No." Itachi said grabbing Hidans shoulder. "I'll take this one."
Hidan grins, walking out as if this were a victory. "Have fun girl, soon you'll be begging for me instead of Itachi."
You stared at Itachi in silence, glaring at him.
"He won't come for me." You said, hoping that even if Sasuke wanted to come he would see the light and run for the hills.
"We will see." He said, "shall we begin?" He asked lifting your face to make you look into his eyes.
As you entered his world you thought well this is gonna be fun.

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