Neji- Shit I forgot his present! (continued)

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*please don't kill me! I'm sorry I left it so long, promise! (Peaks out from behind Kiba) hear is a continued part of Neji's and yours story😄 enjoy!*

I also do realise I owe you guys an explanation as to why I stopped uploading so if anyone wants to know then I will be talking about it after this chapter is finished. Thanks, now I'll let you get into the story😂

You obliged and soon after you had put the dress on with a small amount of makeup and you h/l h/c hair down.
"Neji is going to loose his head." Tenten said with an obvious smirk.
"Neji and I will never happen Tenten." You said with a small sad smile.
"Sure it will. Now let's go."
Shit I forgot his present!

You couldn't very well waltz up to his party, his BIRTHDAY PARTY, without a present could you? You felt as I you were skating on thin ice as it was. Great.
So, it was either quickly grab it then go to the party or go to the party without taking it but be on time.
Your brain rattled, what would be the better option?
It was Neji, he wouldn't care. Would he?
When did I become such a girl? You thought. You would just go into his house, explain that you forgot to lift his present and then give it to him another day.
So, you set off to your crushes house. No biggy. You'd been there before.
Though I've not been to his house after he kissed me...
Nope. Not thinking about that. One time thing.
"Y/n!" Tenten snapped her fingers infront or your face. You looked up at her sheepishly. "Are you just going to stare at the front door?"
"...well, it is a damn good door." You noted. Tenten rolled her eyes and just shoved you into the entrance. Inside the house was full of your friends, even Hinata was there. The party in full swing, Naruto being an idiot as usual, Sasuke looking like he would rather be anywhere but there, Sakura and Ino all over Sasuke, Choji eating. Hell, Gaara and his siblings even made it.
It was a lot for you to handle.
All the noise and all the smells and all of the people was causing you to feel that panic. The familiar panic that always happened when you didn't know how to cope with something.
Breath y/n.
You know there is air.
This is for Neji.
You know you aren't suffocating.
In your nose.
Out your mouth.
Repeated in your head as you pushed through the crowd of people, sticking with Tenten the hole way.
An hour passed of drinking and dancing and you had even managed to have a good time for a while bit something was missing.
Or rather, someone.
Where the hell was Neji?
As though no one but you noticed you set out to look for the strange boy as the rest danced the night away.
The house upstairs was cold. In comparison to down the stairs to the left, it was insanely quiet. Your f/c shoes scuffed the wooden floor as you wandered down the hall.
"Neji?" You called out in a soft voice.
The door at the end of the hall creaked it's protests as Neji stepped out of his room.
For someone with a grand party thrown for his birthday, he looked...sad?
"Y/n" He nodded to you. There was a pause, before he strode toward you, flung you up into hid arms and kissed you. Again.
This time the kiss was anything but a peck. It was deep, sensual.
Every cell in your body radiated innocence with the kiss not that he seemed to care. He was a damn good kisser.
When you pulled apart he kept his hands on your waist. Your e/c eyes stared into his clear ones for what seemed like an eternity. Before he let you go, as though his hands had been burned by touching you.
"Neji I-" You began but he held up a hand.
"Go down stairs and enjoy the festivities. I'll be down soon." And he just turned around like noting had happened.

The rest of the night ensued and try hard as you might you never managed to really enjoy yourself. The kiss weighed on your mind.
Neji came down stairs just in time for the cake.
As everyone sang his clear eyes found yours before he turned to see the cake, and more importantly who was holding it.
Hinata stood sheepishly holding the cake it had taken her the whole day to make. It was crafted to perfection.
And Neji, seeing Hinata, snapped.
He took the cake and instead of blowing out the candles he flung it in Hinata's face.
What the fuck?
"WHAT THE FUCK NEJI SHE MADE THAT FOR YOU!" Naruto yelled instantly coming to Hinata's aid. She was crying, cake covered her face and her hair and really most of the front portion of her body.
"I do not want a party. I do not want her here! Infact I don't want any of you people here! Get out!" He began to fling the presents people had bought him all over the floor. Flipping the table with the snacks on it. Generally wrecking the house.
"Neji stop! Come on bud why are you acting like this? Let's just calm down." You tried to reason placing your hand on his shoulder.
He turned a deathly glare on you.
"Bud? Like we are friends. Ha. What a laughable thought. Like I would ever be friends with someone as pathetic as you. Your more pathetic than that bitch Hinata. You don't even have Chakra!" You flinched. Ok. Ouch. "Just because you have a little crush on me doesn't mean I even have friendly feelings for you. What did you think that kiss, or even your fucking first kiss, meant anything? It doesn't. Your nothing but a waste of time." OK really ouch.
Tears gathered in your eyes as everyone stood, watching and Neji unfolded.
You meant nothing to him?
How could you have been so foolish?
Normally you would have come up with a snappy sarcastic comment back, but you didn't have time. Your airways felt blocked.
No no no I can't breath oh god I can't breath I can't I can't please I can't breath oh god no not now no I can't breath I'm dying I'm dying I'm going to die I can't breath I can't no no no I can't breath.
Your head was swimming, Tenten grasping your shoulders. Snot flue out of your nose like the tears did your eyes. Your chest hurt, your lungs burned. You couldn't stand yet you couldn't move. You tried to breath but no air came in as you hyperventilated. People spoke trying to bring you back but you hardly heard them.
Neji caught you just before you hut the ground, his concern written on his face.
And then, you felt nothing.

Hi guys, so I know I didn't update for so long. I'm really sorry. The truth is my mental health has suffered greatly for the past few years and just took a spiral. My anxiety was completely debilitating, I was having 5+ panic attacks a day and I was generally a mess. I just couldn't write anymore. Every aspect of my life has suffered from my anxiety. I'm now on medication for both my anxiety and my depression and feel so much better and I have to thank you all for being so understanding.
Thanks a bunch

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