What Your Kidnappers Do To You

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Just a little warning there might be torture and experimenting and maybe a few other things so you can skip this one if you don't like it. 


Your kidnappers were kinda nice kinda mean, it really depends, you were not sure what they wanted since they just kept on asking your questions. You always answered them but then it came to questions you would not answer since they involved Genji and his brother. They then started to bring in a bat maybe even a few other things to hit you with and you were always able to hold yourself together.


Your kidnappers were always asking about your life and sometimes asking about your parents, you always told them you don't know your birth parents. Well they didn't believe that in the slightest so they started to torture you that only lasted for an hour or two then leave you to suffer through the pain with tears in your eyes.


Your kidnappers were always talking to you, telling you a bunch of information about yourself, your mind was always agreeing with them but your heart was not. After awhile you started to follow your heart and just push all the information they told you out of your mind. 


You were always crying and screaming, your kidnappers really hated telling you to shut it before they killed you. You didn't care you kept it up well until they started hurting because of orders from there boss whoever the boss was you knew they were enjoying it.


You were really sick of your kidnappers only because what they were doing to you, they were always jabbing stuff into you. You didn't know why they were doing this to you but you knew one thing it was really painful to the point where sleeping and eating even drinking was painful as hell.  

-Soldier 76-

Why where you kidnapped became easy for you to tell since they were always asking about Soldier 76. If you didn't answer them well they would jab something into you and you didn't know what it was and that scared you.


Your kidnapper were crazy, they started to torture you by shocking you but nothing, you were in pain but you held it together. So after awhile they started to jab stuff into you and then shock you again and again, you knew one thing you were getting out of this was a cooked brain. 


You have no idea what your kidnappers were doing to you but you knew one thing you could not feel your legs from the knees down. You could also hear a familiar voice but you were never sure who it was so you would always put it aside in your head. 


The kidnappers got sick of you really quickly so they hurt you and even drugged you and did some bad things, it always got you to shut up but you always wanted Roadhog to be here and save you.


They never came in to see you, your kidnappers would always fill the room with gas and then that was it. You never knew what happened after that since well that was all you knew was the gas well except the pain after you wake you.


Your kidnappers were the worst, they were using you like a lab rat, running experiments on you basically 24/7. You slowly became quite and you slowly didn't care but one thing always kept you going and that was Winston, Winston always was by your side in your mind. You knew as long as Winston is on your mind you can keep going and that will never change. 


You could never see anything since your kidnapper always kept you blind folded and they were always quite too. You didn't understand why they would go this far to kidnapping you but then not do anything to you but then it still worried you. 


Well I don't know if I even want to do a chapter like this again unless it's for my own characters. Anyways have fun JUNKRAT GET BACK HERE! Roadhog help a girl out here, what do you mean not your problem. Winston, Soldier 76 anyone want to help here, oh thanks Reaper, have fun and imagine to your hearts desire.

-Missing Girl

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