Close To The Edge

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   Lieutenant Potato had been banging on commander Kiwi's door for at least an hour now

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   Lieutenant Potato had been banging on commander Kiwi's door for at least an hour now. She was officially worried. Her wife only ever locked herself in her room when she was feeling... Down for lack of a better word. Most of the time it was only for a day or so, but it had been a week. As Potato stood there in front of her wife's office, horrifying thoughts entered her mind. What could she be doing in there? Potato's mind hovered around the fact that everyone in the blue navy had a gun in their office... Oh god. Her thoughts then decided to shift to the sound of footsteps coming down the hall. Ah, medic Anon. She seemed to be holding a clipboard close to her chest. Wait... Anon had access to Kiwi's medical records, specifically records on whether or not Kiwi takes her antidepressants. Potato dashed towards Anon in a panic, gripping the girl's shoulders.
   "W-What?" Anon stuttered in response. The sudden outburst by the lieutenant made it hard for her to really think straight.
   "Kiwi! When was the last time she took her antidepressants?!" Potato corrected herself. Anon looked down at the clipboard, shuffling through them. She had a startled look on her face.
   "A month... It's been a month..." Anon mumbled just loud enough for the other brunette to hear her. Potato let go of Anon's shoulders, her eyes widening. A month? Kiwi had skipped out on her antidepressants for an entire month and Potato had noticed nothing until now? Oh god.
   "Oh no," Potato shuddered.
   "Where is she?"
   "She locked herself in her office, I've been banging and yelling as loud as possible but she won't even answer me and I'm starting to get really scared," Potato was now trembling a bit, the thoughts of what could, or had already, happened to her wife. Upon hearing the situation, Anon's brain had decided to hover around the same area as Potato's previously had been. The gun in Kiwi's office. It was obvious she was scared as well, just perhaps not as scared as Potato was. They needed to get in that office by any means necessary. They looked each other in the eyes, and immediately they both understood each other. They both began brainstorming ways to get the door open. Breaking it down was out of the question. Neither girls were exactly the muscle of the army. Potato's skills were more tactical in nature, and as for Anon... Well at least she knew some stuff about medicine. Clearly Kiwi wasn't going to cooperate with them, so reasoning with Kiwi in order to get her to open the door was even more impossible. Guess they could always pick the lock. They both seemed to reach the same conclusion. Anon reached up into her Tv and pulled a hairpin out of her ponytail.
   "Know how to pick a lock?" Anon asked.
   "What kind of question is that? Of course I do!" Potato huffed, taking the hairpin from Anon and kneeling down in front of Kiwi's office door. She carefully stuck the hairpin into the keyhole, jiggling it around a bit until she heard a small click. "Got it!" Potato exclaimed gleefully. Anon hovered behind her as she slowly opened the door, honestly scared of what they would find on the other side. Thankfully, it was only a sleeping Kiwi. Her head was propped up on her desk, and her back was hunched over. From what they could see, she was breathing at least. However, the fortunately unfired pistol laid out on the desk was an unsettling sight. Potato walked up to Kiwi's desk, picking up the pistol and putting the safety on. She tossed it over to Anon, who miraculously caught it.
   "Good call, we should get this away from her, I'll go put this in the armory for now, you comin'?" Anon asked. Potato pulled up a chair next to her sleeping wife, kissing her on the cheek.
   "I think I'm going to stay here for when she wakes up," Potato replied.
   "Alright, oh! Here, give her one of these, and if you have to, force it down her throat," Anon chuckled, placing a bottle of antidepressants on the commander's desk. Potato nodded, her attention focusing back on Kiwi. Anon smiled and left the room, quietly shutting it behind her. Potato reached down and intertwined her fingers with Kiwi's.
   "Don't scare me like that, I'm here for you, always," Potato sighed with one last kiss to Kiwi's forehead.

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