Filthy Rich (I used some old ocs for this)

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   "Good evening everyone," A woman in an elegant teal gown greeted a room full of very refined looking men

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   "Good evening everyone," A woman in an elegant teal gown greeted a room full of very refined looking men. "It is truly an honor to have you all here, as you know via the invitations you were sent, I have grown to the age where if I want to keep my fortune, I will have to marry someone of equal social status, and since my parents unfortunately passed away last year, I will have to decide for myself who I want to marry, that is why I have invited you to this social gathering," She smiled. This woman was known throughout the land as one of the richest people in the country. She was born into it of course; her parents had become incredibly wealthy from their various animal rescue services. It was a shock when news had spread of their demise. According to the autopsy, they both simply died of heart attacks, however the possibility of a double heart attack at the exact same time was more than non-existent. There were plenty of people who assumed their daughter played a hand in their deaths and payed off the doctors who did the autopsy, but it could never be proven. Suspicion had turned to mild uneasiness over time however, leading to trust being slowly regained. Their daughter got to keep the fortune, but only on the condition she married someone of a high social status once she became old enough. Thus, she invited every high status guy she could think of. When her suitors received an invitation from "Ms. Night," to a gala that would help determine who she chose, they didn't hesitate. Who wouldn't want to inherit all that money? Besides, in the public's eye, she was a beautiful and kind girl. Seemed like a win-win.
   One man in particular however, only showed up to keep up his own public appearance. This man was named Zack. A redhead with a bit of a temper and one bizarre looking dark red suit. His wealth stemmed mostly from military related affairs, classified stuff really. It didn't make as much money as most of the suitors around the gala made, but whatever. He only came because he needed to be more out there with public appearances and things of that nature. Perhaps that would get him some more business.
   "You seem pretty lost in thought," A voice hummed in Zack's direction. He turned his head to be met with Ms. Night herself. Teal dyed hair matching with her dress and questionable choker.
   "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance," Zack greeted. Ms. Night rolled her cat-like eyes.
   "Zack is it? Mind if I call you Zacky? Anyways, you don't have to keep that act up, I prefer men who aren't completely fake," Ms. Night explained.
   "I will be sure to be as fake as possible then,"
   "You say that like you don't want to marry me,"
   "Not really," Zack admitted. Why lie?
   "Hm... Hate to rain on your parade, but I think you're on the top of my list right now," Ms. Night smirked. She jumped slightly, feeling something brush past her legs. Both Ms. Night and Zack looked down, a cat with nearly silver fur looked up at them. It's fur was a bit messy, and it had expensive jewelry around it's neck. It's eyes seemed to be a weird shade of gray, and it's gaze seemed fixated on Zack's eyes.
   "You invited high class cats too? How desperate are you?" Zack chuckled at his own joke.
   "Ugh, sorry, that's my nuisance of a cat, Jason Christopher, J.c for short, he's as blind as a bat," Ms. Night nudged her cat with her foot, trying to get it to go away, presumably so she could spend more time talking to "Zacky." Unfortunately for her, J.c refused to move.
   "You should probably quit while you're ahead, at this point you'll have to kick him across the room to get him to leave," Zack shrugged. Ms. Night let out a small frustrated noise and strutted away. "Huh... Thanks little guy," Zack bent over and picked up the cat, holding it in his arms and gently petting it. The cat's demeanor didn't seem to change. Who knew cats could be stoic?
   Zack wandered around the mansion for a bit, ignoring the random glares being directed towards him. Yeah, he was holding a cat, get over it. J.c seemed to get fussy as Zack passed a dark hallway. "What's wrong? Worried your owner will rush down the hallway just to kick you some more?" He joked. J.c clearly wasn't amused. He wriggled his way out of Zack's arms, sauntering over into the dark hallway. Did he want Zack to follow him? Zack hesitantly followed the cat, not really sure where he was being led.
   He was suddenly pushed into a small closet, a dim light turning on above him. The person who had pushed him was currently pinning him to the wall. It was a short-ish man with mid-length silver hair, his eyes matched those of the cat's... And was he wearing the same jewelry around his neck as what the cat had been wearing? The man was also wearing a thick gray hoodie, something that seemed out of place given the countless men in suits. "Would you mind telling me what the hell-" Zack was interrupted, the man pinning him putting a finger up to his lips. The man decided to poke his head out of the closet and look around, ducking back in and closing the door.
   "You may not believe what I am about to say, I'm J.c, the cat," The man explained. His voice sounded weak and whispy.
   "...Yeah okay," Zack nodded.
   "Wait really? That's it? You're just perfectly okay with this?"
   "Stranger things have happened in this world, although I will admit I am a bit curious in regards to the process," Zack looked the man up and down. Had he not known any better, he may have mistaken him for a woman.
   "It's... A long story, look, I could smell that you were trustworthy, so I decided to warn you," J.c began.
   "Smell that I was trustworthy?"
   "I am completely blind, I am able to use my sense of smell, taste, and touch to see," J.c sighed.
   "Now for the love of god, let me finish my sentence! Ms. Night is not who you think she is, she's a witch, a ruthless witch who is prepared to do whatever it takes to be on top," J.c warned.
   "Saw that coming, you don't have to worry about that though, I'm not interested in her anyways," Zack replied.
   "That does not matter, she is interested in you, and she won't hesitate to take what she wants,"
   "So... What? I should make a run for it?"
   "Nothing too obvious, she has her eyes on you, so she won't make your escape easy," J.c zoned out for a second, staring off into space, completely lost in thought.
   "Okay well then who are you? If Ms. Night is a witch, then I'm guessing the whole cat thing has something to do with dark magic or whatever," Zack managed to snap J.c out of his random trance.
   "You would be right to assume that, she turned me into her familiar, however she does not know I can transform back into a human whenever I want, before she turned me into... This, I was her brother," J.c had a somber look on his face.
   "Her brother? Everyone was told Ms. Night's brother ran away after the parents died because he was too overcome with grief to face the public anymore,"
   "Nope, she realized killing me would be too suspicious, so she turned me into a familiar and only killed our parents in order to inherit the family fortune," J.c's previously somber look seemed to shift into several emotions all at once, the main one being anger.
   "Okay... I think I get it, but one more thing, why warn me? I get that I 'smell trustworthy' or whatever, but I can't be the only one here with that type of scent,"
   "My sister won't want anyone else now that she has met you, she will murder everyone here if that's what it takes to keep you, warning anyone else would be a worthless endeavor, besides, she isn't the only one with an acquired taste in men,"
   "Nothing, let's get you out of here, I will try my best to help, but if she sees me with you, she'll get incredibly suspicious and escape will somehow become even MORE difficult," J.c opened the closet door, revealing Ms. Night standing there with a wide, wicked smile. The kind of smile that could only be described as one similar to a psychopath's, although, according to J.c, that may very well be what she was. With a wave of her hand, Zack was completely unable to move.
   "Welcome home Zacky," She cackled.

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