Date Night

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"Hm..." A man hummed, his food remaining intact in front of him as he was deep in thought. His date looked up from her food momentarily, sending him a confused glare. "Ah, sorry my dear, it's just... We've been together so long and well... I think I'm only just now realizing your hair is red," The man admitted. There was a pause from his auburn-haired date, before she quickly covered her mouth and fought off a large grin. "Hey! Don't laugh! It's the lighting!" The man pouted. His date gave a small shrug and decided not to tease him anymore, however, her mischievous smirk didn't go away. "You are just too cruel sometimes Janie!" The man had put a hand over his heart, acting as if the woman in question had stabbed him. In response, she continued to eat her food while sending a bit of an impolite hand gesture towards her companion. She made quick work of the odd pasta dish.
"Are you finished with this?" A waitress asked, gripping the side of the woman's recently cleaned plate. The woman glared at the waitress, it was obvious she was jealous of the fact that the young girl's eyes refused to leave her date. The man gave a nod and she took the empty plate away in a hurry.
"There's no need for jealousy you know..." The man smirked. His date's eyes grew wide, and her face flushed red in embarrassment. "There's not a single person on this planet that I could possibly love more than I love you," The man smiled sweetly at the woman, and she returned the smile in earnest. The small but sweet exchange seemed to have brightened the woman's mood a little, but she still seemed a bit uneasy whenever a waitress passed by their table. Her date took notice of this. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, reaching in and pulling out some money. He set it down on the table and got up from his chair. "We should get going, it's obvious you're uncomfortable," The woman glanced at his untouched food, then back at him. "I'm not really feeling that hungry anyway, I guess just looking at food was enough to make me feel like I had eaten a whole plate already," The man joked. The woman didn't seem all that amused by his strange behavior, but decided to follow him outside the restaurant regardless.
They walked side-by-side, down the sidewalk. It was obvious just by looking at them that they were in love, however they neglected to hold hands or make any physcial contact at all. One of the man's hands was balled into a fist for whatever reason, and his shoulders seemed tense. The woman walking beside him had a worried expression. "Don't worry about me dear, I'm fine just... Tired," He lied. While she would have loved to call him out on it, she knew he wouldn't tell her what was bothering him no matter how much she asked, so she dropped the subject altogether. Instead she attempted to search for a distraction, finally finding one in a sign that read "Grove Park." She pointed towards the sign with a pleading look on her face. "Heh, the usual?" He asked. She nodded with a wide smile. "Alright then, let's hope we don't get caught by the neighborhood watch this time," He laughed as he took the lead. His date followed close behind as they entered the park, sticking to the shadows of the trees until they reached a steep hill devoid of any plant life besides grass. Upon reaching the top, the couple flopped down into the grass, the woman's hair flowing out around her in a messy tidal wave of red, while the man stayed relatively neat. They stared up at the sky above them, watching as dark clouds drifted by and attempted to cover up the stars to no avail. The woman seemed pleased to get a smile out of the man. "I know what you're doing and it's not going to work," The man huffed. The woman continued to stare at the man, a brow raised. The man broke out into a fit of laughter. "Okay maybe it's working a little, god, there's not a single person on this planet I could possibly love more than I love you," He sighed. The woman replied with a blissful smile. Their attention shifted from the sea of stars above them, to each other. They stared at one another's expressions as if mapping them out as one would do with constellations. Their moment was broken by a deep grunt. The man looked back up to see a police officer hovering over them with a flashlight. "Ah... Evening officer..." The man flashed the officer an awkward smile, getting a chuckle out of his date.
"Think we're past pleasantries at this point Jonathan, come on, stand up," The officer sighed. The man did so, his date following suit with a sheepish look on her face.
"So who ratted me out this time?" The man frowned.
"Maureen obviously, she saw you go through the gate..."
"Damn, should've known it'd be her, she never did like me," The man sneered. His date watched on in amusement.
"Jonathan... Man... Do you have to do this every year? You gotta get some help man," The officer said in a surprisingly gentle tone.
"What can I say? I like to look at the sky, can't really get this kind of view from my apartment window now can I?"
"You know that's not what I-"
"Look, Derek, I'm fine, really, I don't need you hovering over me like you did in college, I'm a grown man, now if you'll excuse me, I have places to be," The man turned to his date and made a small hand motion to follow him. She did so, keeping her head down as she passed the officer. The aforementioned officer watched them leave with a sad expression.
The woman followed closely behind her date, knowing that they had one last stop to make. "I'll walk you home alright? Don't want you wandering around so late..." He sighed. She nodded and continued following him. They eventually arrived at a large metal gate. The security guard standing in front of it gave the man a harsh glare.
"No," He said plainly.
"Aw come on, you don't even know what I was going to ask!"
"Yes, I do, you were going to ask for me to make another exception for you, I can't keep doing this Jonathan!I'm not opening this gate for you, that's final," He stated.
"Will it really kill you to make just one more exception? For her sake?" The man pleading, motioning towards his date.
"Every. Single. God damn. Year. Fine! You win okay? This is the last time though," The security guard pulled a key out from his pocket and unlocked the gate, slowly pushing it open. "There, and it would be better for all of us if you made it quick," The security guard sighed.
"Thank you Arthur."
"Shut up and go before I change my mind," The security guard huffed. The man went through the gate and the woman continued following him.
"Is it just me or has this place gotten bigger since the last time I was here?" The man asked. The woman gave a small shrug. "You live here! You of all people should know..." The man mumbled. The woman ignored him and walked past him, disappearing into the darkness. He quickly ran after her, nearly tripping over his destination. "Ah... Here we are then..." The man finally unclenched his fist for the first time this evening to reveal a single rose. His palm was bloody, as if he had been blissfully ignorant of the fact that the rose had not been dethorned. He knelt down in front of his destination, placing the rose in front of a marble gravestone. "...It's been six years... Crazy to think about, don't you think?" The man asked the nothingness around him. He laughed, as if it had responded. "I do so enjoy these yearly nights out with you, it's almost as if that plane crash had never happened at all... I swear, there's not a single person on this planet I could ever possibly love more than I loved you," The man sighed into the darkness. This time, it didn't respond.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2019 ⏰

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