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   "Is it done yet?" A snooty sounding voice shouted up at the roof of a small house

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   "Is it done yet?" A snooty sounding voice shouted up at the roof of a small house.
   "It isn't my fault the satellite got knocked loose!"
   "Ugh fiiiine! But if I break a nail it's your fault!" The voice huffed. This voice belonged to Clara Rosewell. An annoying girl with even more annoying hobbies. The person currently trying to climb the roof, was Clara's girlfriend Luna. A smart girl who pretty much did all the heavy lifting for Clara. They were polar opposites, and no one around them could comprehend their relationship. None of that really mattered to them though.
   At the moment, the only thing that mattered was fixing their satellite dish. The storm raging around them had knocked it loose from their roof, meaning it was barely hanging on by a few wires. Luna had no problem with it, and was prepared to fix it once the rain stopped. Clara being... Well... Clara, insisted she go outside and fix it now. At first Luna refused, but after a few bats of Clara's eyelashes, Luna found herself stuck in her current predicament. Barely hanging onto the side of the roof all because of a stupid satellite dish.
   She heard a small thunk, and before she knew it, Clara was beside her.
   "About time..." Luna mumbled.
   "Seriously? The great Luna can't climb this?" Clara teased as she began climbing past Luna. Luna growled and climbed after her girlfriend. She finally reached the top, scowling at her the smug face of her girlfriend waiting at the top for her.
   "Shut up and help me get this satellite back up," Luna sighed. She walked over to the corner of the roof, gripping the loose wires and pulling the satellite up, scraping it on the outer wall of the house itself.
   "Don't break it, we're as broke as it is, we can't exactly afford a new one," Clara complained.
   "Maybe if you actually tried to get a day job then we could afford to get rid of this thing," Luna grunted through her teeth as she struggled to pull the satellite up.
   "EXCUSE ME?! YOU KNOW WHAT? GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THE WAY! I'LL DO THIS!" Clara yanked Luna's shirt, pulling her away from the wires. Clara gripped the wires and she managed to pull the satellite all the way up. Luna flashed her girlfriend a knowing smile. She was always at her strongest when she was mad. "You did that on purpose didn't you?" Clara narrowed her eyes at the other girl.
   "Yup," Luna grinned.
   "Ugh! I don't know why I even try with you! I'll do this myself." Clara turned her back to Luna, propping the Satellite up and holding onto the metal rod attached to it for balance.
   "Careful, you'll get us struck by lightning," Luna chuckled.
   "Oh come on, do you know how low the chance of getting hit by lightning is?" And then they were struck.
   A bright flash of light blinded both of them as they were sent flying off of the roof, the land seemingly shaking under them as they landed. Both laid frozen, unsure of what had just happened. Luna peeked over at her girlfriend, thankful to see that, other than a few burns and singed bits of hair, she was alright. She could only guess she looked similar.
   "Apparently higher than you think..." Luna trailed off.
   "So... Did you break a nail?"
   "Oh hush."

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