A strange smile played on Lord Stretton’s lips. “He’ll help us with the summoning.”

Renen found his uncle’s reaction strange, but he kept his silence. The Arac knight soon returned with the book Lord Stretton requested. Lord Stretton flipped the pages, then stopped when he found what he was looking for. “Here it is. The Dark One’s name is Krileon. To bring him forward, he will be satisfied with a few jewels, I believe. The payment for the request, we’ll have to discuss one he’s brought forth. Knight, retrieve some precious stones.”

Once again the knight obeyed silently, leaving and coming back quickly with jewels and gold taken from the royal treasury.

“May we begin now?” asked Renen.

“Of course. Tell the knight to start.”

Renen frowned indignantly, but a look from his uncle silenced his protests. “Very well, uncle,” he accepted, though not understanding anything. He was not only perturbed by his uncle’s overbearing presence there when he was supposed to be directing the summoning himself, but this all seemed strange. If it was such a difficult Dark One to summon, even just to call it forward from where it dwelled should have required much more than just a few gems. Nexa and Pitrious required the death of his own parents just to come forth.

Nonetheless, Renen commanded the Arac to throw the jewels into the fire, and the Arac started the process as he already knew how. “We offer you these jewels to bring you forward from your returning grounds. I summon Krileon,” said the knight.

Suddenly the flames flickered back and forth, and a rumbling went throughout the room that started off gentle, but then rocked the whole room. Renen stepped back. Something was wrong.

The flames changed from red to a cold blue, and out emerged a Dark One with the head of a dragon and a humanoid body that was at least ten feet tall. He was covered in shiny black scales, and stared at them with glowing blue eyes that matched the flames. At his side was a hefty sword that was as long as Renen’s body.

When he spoke, he didn’t move his mouth. His voice penetrated the mind in a deep, voice that rattled Renen from the inside out. “What is this?” the Dark One demanded angrily. “Is this the pathetic offering you give to summon me? Do you know who I am?” Krileon advanced towards the shriveling Arac that summoned him.

The Arac tried to regain his composure. He had to. Dark Ones hated weakness. “I did what I was required to summon you, Krileon. If you want to make a deal for your services, very well, but--”

“You did what was required? Am I a child that you speak to the great Krileon this way? Read those accursed books you people write of us.” he surged forward and grabbed the Arac by the neck, lifting him off of the ground. Renen looked to his uncle, who only watched calmly. Renen didn’t know what to do, so he tried to follow his example, but even he found it hard to watch as the Dark One mentally screamed at him, snarling and growling. “I have never accepted anything less than items of great power! From decrepit sanctuaries of the Unseeables, or at the very least death! Many, many deaths! What is this pathetic trash you bring before me, Krileon the great?”

The Arac looked to Lord Stretton in horror. “You told me all I had to present him was the jewels!”

Lord Stretton’s strange smile came back. “I must have made a mistake,” he said simply.

The Arac looked to the Dark One pleadingly. “P-please! I didn’t know! Perhaps we can deal and--”


Suddenly, the man was noiseless. He opened his mouth as if he was screaming, but no sound came out. Krileon pulled out a sword from his side and ended the man without making a sound. Renen looked on in horror. That could have been him, had he been doing the summoning. But his uncle knew that. He set up the man.

“Though, now that you’re here, Krileon,” said Lord Stretton finally, calling the attention of the Dark One. “Perhaps you can take the killing you have just performed as an offering for your being here. The Arac you have just killed is a summoner of many of your kind. I should know, because I’ve ordered him to do it.”

Krileon considered it. “Was he a cheater?”

Lord Stretton spread his arms. “You’ve just caught him in the act, trying to summon a great Dark One such as yourself with such a miniscule offering.”

“True. But what is the task you are requesting?”

“The death of one of three children. It doesn’t matter which one. Killing any of them would ruin their plans completely and provide us what we need to fulfil a debt we have with another of your kind,” Stretton said, glancing at Renen. “Though the death of this person might necessitate the deaths of others that may impede you. You can take as much pleasure as you’d like from that, but know that the killing of the target is the only death that complies with the requirements of this deal. You can’t kill just anyone and walk away, though I know a Dark One such as yourself is more intelligent than to try to pull the wool over my eyes as this foolish wimp just did. But of course, if we are to do a deal, let us do it well.”

Krileon paused for a few moments. “Very well. The killing of one of your own will be enough of an offering. Especially being rid of such a pathetic doer of trickery such as this one. But what will be the payment for this service?”

“I need you. It has come to my attention that there are rebelion movements being made and I need it quelled before it gets too drastic. If you do this service for me, I’ll give you the freedom of leading my troops and taking as many lives as you like. Except my own. As long as you remain by those terms, you won’t have to go back to your returning grounds.”

Krileon smirked to that. Dark Ones hated going back to their returning grounds. They preferred being free to cause as much havoc as they pleased. From the returning grounds, they could do no harm to anyone. They were solemnly sworn to it. “You are a careful man, Stretton. I agree to your terms. Where is my victim?”

“Somewhere in Málaga, last I know. Am I right, Renen?”

“Y-yes,” he managed to stutter.

“However, we will inform you on the right time to act. We have to continue to monitor them to be sure. When it’s time for the killing, we will send you with a guide who will take you right to them. Expect to be summoned again, but this time from Earth. If they don’t mention my name, they weren’t sent by me, and you can destroy them if you’d like.”

“Very well.” Krileon returned to the flames, and disappeared within them.

Lord Stretton regarded the look on Renen’s face, who could only stare at the Arac on the floor. “I don’t understand,” Renen said. “Why did you lie about what Krileon required for his summoning? The things he requested we could have retrieved.”

“Yes, but we didn’t have time for it. And what’s more, it didn’t matter. Retrieving relics or using this man are equally easy to me. Only he was closer.”

Renen returned his eyes to the man on the floor.

Lord Stretton raised an eyebrow. “One thing you have to understand, nephew. Just because Dark Ones serve us does not mean that they like doing it. They hate all mankind, human and Caorfian alike. But they despise us even more. Killing an Arac, especially one that deceives Dark Ones in their dealings, is often worth more than anything they ever ask for. They’re nothing but revengeful creatures, all of them. Revenge is their greatest reward. I brought you here to teach you, not how to summon, but on the meaning of power. Dark Ones respect true power, if nothing else. And to have true power, you must be willing to sacrifice whatever it takes. Whatever that may be. I thought you had already learned that lesson when you helped me take the throne from your own parents. But I thought I’d remind you. It’s about time you forget the meaning of the word ‘mercy’. You’re in too deep for that.”

I had so much fun with this chapter, too. Does that make me creepy? 👀👀

Anyway, don't forget to comment and tell your friends how much you love the story, because you know you do 😉

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