Chap43|The Date Night

Start from the beginning

I know it's been a little while since she's seen her but I didn't expect her to act this way.

"Royalty, stop it."

"Aww Royalty do you not want to give nana a hug?" Sinuhe looked at Ro and covered her face. "Your going to make nana sad."

I smiled when Royalty bout dived out of my arms to get to Sinuhe.

"No. No. No swad g'ma." She said while wrapping her small arms around her.

"Aww ok baby I'm not sad anymore. You make me feel all better." Royalty smiled big before starting to jump up and down on her lap with her fingers in her mouth.

"Yay g'ma 'appy!" Sinuhe smiled and kissed her cheeks.

"Mila honey are you ready? Y/N and Royalty are here!"

"I'll be down in a second mami!" I felt my nervous start to build up after I heard her sweet voice. Damn I'm really getting nervous now.

"Ma Mwommy!" Ro yelled as she pointed towards the stairs.

"Yes bebita, mommy is coming."

I felt a tap on my knee and I looked at Sinuhe. "You know she's really nervous about you guys going out tonight."

"Well she's not the only one." I said while rubbing my hands through my hair.

"I don't get it, why are you two so nervous. It's not like you guys haven't known each other for years and have a child together. You guys have been on plenty of dates before."

I sighed. "I guess I'm just nervous because I want everything to go right. You know with everything we've been through, I want things to be perfect for her."

Sinuhe smiled softly at me and nodded. "Aww honey I can understand where you are coming from, but you don't need to be so nervous. Camila will love anything that you do for her. There is a reason you guys have came from where you where and made it this far."

"Thank you Sinuhe, I really appreciate you saying that."

She nodded. "Of course."

"Ok I'm ready." I turned around and I swear my heart started to pump out my chest when I saw her.

"Wow." Is all I could say as I stood up from the couch slowly. "You look amazing Camila."

She smiled and looked down as she pushed her hair behind her ear. I could tell by how red her face was turning that I was making her nervous.

"Thank you Y/N." I smiled down at her and as I went to say something we were interrupted by non other than miss Royalty herself.

"Mwommy!" She yelled making her way over to Camilas legs.

"Aw hi baby." Camila said as she picked her up and hugged her to her body. "How is mommy's baby doing?"

"Yes!" She yelled not sure how to answer back. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Well Ro you know mommy and I are going out tonight, and you are going to be spending some time with nana." I explained as I looked down at her while she hugged Camila's body.

"No!" She shouted and shook her head.

"Yes baby, we'll be back." Camila said with a sad look on her face.

Royalty started to whine as Camila handing her over to her mother.

"Aww." She said while standing there looking at her. It was only making things worse because Royalty was reaching out for her and crying.

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