31- The Million Dollar Question

Start from the beginning

"No you're not."

"Yes, I am," he insists, releasing a hardy sigh at my retaliation.

"No you're not."

"Yes. I am."

"Fine," I finally give in, against my wishes. Knowing the two of us, we are bound to argue until we are both blue in the face, which won't help anyone in the car.

A mischevious grin spreads on my lips as I cunningly form a plan to get him to do my will. Since his phone is still unlocked, I have full access to YouTube.

As I enter the app and the Eminem shuts off, Noah somehow picks up on my plan. He groans, running a hand lazily through his hair with a huff. "If you put on Bruno M-"

So, I click it.

"Oh, her eyes, her eyes

Make the stars look like they're not shining

Her hair, her hair

Falls perfect without her trying."

This time, both boys emit loud groans. A satisfied, evil smile broadens on my mouth at their reactions, for they were just how I intended them to be.

"Make it stop! My ears!" Axel jokes, shaking his head like a dog as if he can't get rid of something in his ear.

I expected them to act this way, but Axel struck a nerve. As much as I'm offended by his harsh words however, I remain quiet and simply turn the music up to its original volume. It's only a matter of time before my other subject―

"Okay, okay!" Noah finally grumbles, rubbing his temples in the process. "I'll take another nap, but only if you turn the music off."

"That's what I thought," I say punctuatedly, holding up my side of the deal and shutting the music off.

Axel laughs. "She outsmarted you there bro. How does it f-"

"Shut up Axel," Noah grunts moodily, although from my view in the mirror I catch the sides of his lips quirk upwards in a lazy smile.

"Come on guys. That song is arguably one of his best, even though it's extremely unrealistic."

Noah cocks his head, eyebrows furrowing. "Unrealistic? How?"

I shrug, pulling my lips to the side. "I don't know, I just feel the song implies perfection. That's kinda impossible though. No one can really be perfect."

I don't include, that lump of people doesn't include Chance.

So quiet that I think I imagine it, I hear Noah mutter, "I can think of one person."


"I'm back," whispers a sadistic voice from besides my spot in the middle of the bed. Just as I'm about to turn my head to reveal the source, an unseen force takes control of my movements, hindering me from moving freely. Every time I try and move my head in the slightest, energy seems to drain right out of me like water from facuet.

As if it senses my struggle, the mysterious presence cackles. The sound rings through my ears, disorienting me from everything around me.

As the one voice continues to cackle, another one speaks up from under me, just below my line of vision. "I'm going to find you." it torments, voice cold and threatening.

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