Chapter Twenty-two

Start from the beginning

"More people are coming everyday. It's going to be big and to think the next day is the crowning ceremony!" She says.

"Fun," I say.

"It's going to be beautiful!" She yells.

"Sure," I say. She looks over at me surprised.

"It is. Your mom has showed me most of the flowers." She says.

"I have no pick in it. Mom and Gema are doing it all." I say.

"Still you are going to love it!" She squeals.

"If you say so Olivia," I say.

"Your bridesmaid dresses are colored by elements. You have three blue, one yellow, and one green and one red!" She says.

"You, and Gwen but who are the rest?" I ask.

"Kanly, Zara she is our cousin she is air, Karen she is earth and a Nick cousin, and finally Tina who is fire she is a Nick's sister in law." She says.

"Sister-in-law? Nick has a older brother?" I ask.

"Joey he is twenty-three," she says.

"Oh Nick never told me." I say.

"Well you want to meet him?" She asks.

"Sure," I say.

"Wait he went with them. Well you can meet Tina, Karen, and Zara," she says and takes a turn. We walk in a room and I notice Kanly with three other girls. One has dark dark green hair and orange eyes. She has on a pink sundress. Another one has a dusty yellow color for hair and the same for a eye color. She has on a black sundress. The other one has black hair but red eyes. She has on a plain white t-shirt and blue jeans.

"Hey!" I say.

"I'm Zara!"The yellow haired one says.

"Nice to finally meet you! I'm Karen." The one with green hair says.

"Tina." The one with red eyes says.

"Sooooo," I say.

"Gema was mad when she couldn't find Nick," Tina says.

"Yeah she was. She dragged him away by the ear." I say and Tina laughs.

"She had to do the same thing to Joey!" She gasps out.

"Well a Myers' love is a strange one." Karen  mutters.

"The Myers are just strange," Zara adds.

"Thanks Zara!" Kanly says.

"Well you are," Zara defends.

"I was married in the family!" Tina says with a laugh.

"So you don't count." Zara says.

"Mommy!" A little boy yells. He runs to Tina.

"This will be your new aunt." Tina tells the little boy.

"I'm Eli!" He screams.

"He is two year's old and can talk really well." Tina says.

"Daddy is back!" He yells.

"I figured since you went with him." Tina says.

"No I'm right here," A man says. He has hair like Nick and his eyes are a normal dull blue. He kisses Tina and grabs Eli.

"Kanly!" Zara yells.

"You are Riley right?" The man who I assum is Joey asks.

"Yep," I say.

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