It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {15}

Start from the beginning

But she didn't want to hurt my feelings.

We drove up to the house and I was kind of panicking. What if we walk in there and Jack is drunk? Or the house is destroyed?

I opened the door and walked in.

Jack was asleep. Aw.

"Jack" I shook him.

His eyes flew open and he sat up.

"We're going to move. All of us" I pointed around the room.


Jack was in a good mood. He was glad that we are moving for one. And second. I could tell he had been worried we would just leave him. Which I would never do unless forced.

Except for that time in Renton when I went to a small town.. But that was different.

Jack went out to get a vehicle that will fit all of us plus our stuff.

Zack went out to get supplies for the trip. Food and stuff.

Penelope and I were talking and cooking. Cassie and Rosie were playing with their dolls in the other room.

"I understand why you want and need Jack to come along. I seriously do" Penelope began.

"But?" I said.

"BUT.. Its hurting Zack"

"Noel said Jack has to be there for me and the baby"

"I know. And I know you love Jack more then a friend"

That caught me off guard. "W-Why would you say that?"

"Its obvious. You can love more then two people you know?"

I stirred the soup silently. Biting my lip.

Zack came in minutes later. With bags in his hands. The bags had snack food, regular food, drinks, lots of movies, and chocolate for me. I kissed him and took the chocolate.

"Where's Jack?" He asked. A hint of frustration in his voice.

"He's still getting a good vehicle" I told him.

"I hope he doesn't come back with a junk van" He muttered.

"You know Jack. He gets the best of vehicles"

We started eating. And half an hour later. A silver van pulled up. Jack hopped out and came inside.

"I filled the tank full of gas and bought a few things" Jack said. Tossing some bags to us.

I peeked inside and saw lots of hats, sunglasses, and scarves. Plus some hair dye. Lots of hair dye. Random colors and contacts. Very thorough.

"Wow. Impressive" I said.

"Um.. Thanks" Zack muttered. He was even surprised by how fast Jack pulled this all together.

"Your welcome. And I think we should leave early tomorrow morning. Pack the van tonight"

So we all started to load the van with things we didn't need tonight. The van.. Well. Amazing. It has two TV's. one in the middle row, and one in the back. The back row had a table. And the middle row and turn their seats to face the table/back row.

It had under the feet storage and smelled brand new.

We put the fridge between the front seats, facing the back. And plugged it in.

"Which color do you want?" I asked Penelope. Looking at the hair dye and contacts.

She grabbed blonde hair dye with green contacts. I grabbed the same. We could pass as sisters maybe?

It Ends Here... (Book III)Where stories live. Discover now