It ends here... (Sequel to Rise Against) {3}

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Author's Note:

Wow. last night I just starting writing and writing. haha. I've been working on Our of the shadows. its almost done.

I think the song on the right is perfect for this chapter. Check it out!

I hope you like this chapter. I'm making them almost double the length then before.

Don't forget to vote/comment.


-the velvet rose-



"If you need anything. I left my number on the counter. I'll see you tonight okay?" He left.

The pain came back and I went into my bedroom and just sobbed for half an hour. Then wiped away the tears and went back to get Cassie.

I can do this. I need to be strong for her. But it feels impossible.

I will see them again. I will. Just wait a year..


"You look beautiful dear!" Judy shouted.

I wore my yellow knee length sun dress with brown and white flowers all over it. It was strapless and had a short little yellow short sleeved jacket.

I curled my hair and put on some makeup.

"Cassie and I will have a great time! We will watch movies! And eat ice cream!" She shouted.

"Good. Um.. Call me if you need anything. I got a new cell phone and I left the number in her bag" I told her.

"Good, good. You have my number if you want to check on her! Have a great time!"

"Thanks" I muttered.

I wasn't looking forward to this.. Date. At all. I dreaded it so much. I went to my house and put on the final touches. Perfume and such.

Then I heard a light knocking on the front door.

"Hello" I greeted.

"You look.. Pretty" He smiled.

He wore black pants with a grey shirt and black tie. I locked the door behind me and we got into his truck.

"I'm taking you somewhere outside of town. It will be better, trust me. No gossip and such" He told me.

"I see" I laughed.

Then I stared out the window till we got there. He was a gentleman, opening the door for me and everything.

We walked to this little café looking place. With candles and white table cloths.

"Hynes. Anthony Hynes" He told the server.

He took us to a table in the back. I sat down nervous and upset with myself. Why did I have to say yes?

"What would you like to drink?" The waiter asked.

"Coke" I told him.

"How about red wine?" Anthony asked.

The waiter left. I almost laughed when I realized that I'm actually not old enough for wine.

When the waiter came back, I sipped the wine and realized I wasn't missing anything. It tastes awful to me.

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