"Uh, I'm good and I'm sorry I keep spending the night without a warning..." I say sheepishly.

"Oh, Sweetie, don't even think about it! You're always welcome here!"

"Oh, ok thanks, then."

"Oh, woud you like some eggs?"

"Sure, if there's enough and if it's not much trouble."

"It's totally fine! Anyway, what are two boys up to so early on a Saturday?"

This time, it was Leo who answered, " We're picking up Leo's brother and then I'm driving him to work."

"That makes it sound like I only hang out with you because you drive me around," I say chuckling a little.

"It's ok, it's not like I mind," he says back, smiling back while his mom watches us with an amused expression.

"Either way, you won't have to do it for much longer."

"What? Why not?" he asks with a cute confused expression.

"My car was in the shop getting repaired and it's been good for a while, I jst didn't have the money for it, so I had to work extra time, but now I have the money, so I'm going to pick it up after work."

"Oh! That's...cool," then there was a small pause, "want me to drive you there?" 

Then I laugh, he's adorable, "that's ok, I have to work the whole morning, and I don't want you to keep driving around, wasting gas."

"I really don't mind, I don't have anything t do today, and think of it as like, a final ride!"

"Ok, if you're sure and really don't mind."

"At all!"

Then his mom laughs and I remember she was here the whole time. Talk about awkward. Good thing: Leo looks happy, whis is super adorable.

"You guys are cute, " Mrs. Bryant says. "Anyway, where do you work Matt?"

"Um, in this small coffe a few blocks away called 'little beans of heaven'. It's a weird name, but everyone is awesome and the pay is good and it's a really comfortable environment, so...I couldn't ask for better. Besides, I get free coffee and their coffee is amazing!"

She chuckles and says,"that's really nice of you, working for your money and being independant and all. See Leonardo, you could get a job too, let him be an influence for you." 

"Moooom," Leo whined.

"Stop being a child, it would do you good. Anyways Matt, what about your parents? What do they do?"

I was a little taken aback by that. I'm so used to my mom constantly giving me the cold shoulder that I forgot that parents want to know who their kids might hang out with, or that they actually care about their childrens lives, "Oh, umm, my mom's a nurse in the local hospital and my, umm, dad used to be a doctor in the same hospital, that's how they met, but he uh, passed away a few months ago." It was still kind of weird to talk about my parents, especially my dad.

"Oh honey, that's terrible. If you ever need anything., do not hesitate to ask, you're always welcome here and I'm not kidding, you can always ask."

"Thanks a lot Mrs. Bryant that means a lot," I say and give her a genuine smile. Seriously, I haven't met Leo's dad yet, but until now, everyone is like stupidly nice.

"Don't even mention it. And call me Olivia. Mrs. makes me feel old."

I was about to answer when Leo cut in, " You're anything but old, mom. And we should get going. Are you done with your breakfast?"

Brains and Brawn (BxB)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz