Chapter 7

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It was night again, as Gaea and I stayed in the circle, as the rest of the Planitis were fast asleep only hours ago. The fire that Hermes made was still present, and thankfully, the incident last time didn't occur again. The moonlight was overpowered by the fire's glint, as the warmth that it gives made all of us comfortable throughout our stay in the woods.

I fiddled my fingers as I stared my blue-green eyes at the fire. There were a lot of thoughts that were rambling on inside my head, and I want it to stop even just for a while, but I cannot even do it no matter how I tried. My eyes then stared at Gaea who sat at the grass across from me, her green eyes were now orange due to the fire's reflection. She clasped her hands together in front of her as her face held a blank emotion, her lips were frowning deeper than I expected.

I wonder what she's thinking. Maybe she was worrying about our situation right now, since she was the one who let us in her planet, and helped us take our reprisal for Pluton. She sighed and ran a hand through her beautiful curls, then closed her eyes for a while.

I sighed as well and spoke gently, "Gaea,"

She immediately opened her eyes and looked at me with slight annoyance and worry. "What, Ouranos?"

"I'm sorry if I have interrupted anything that you have been thinking about right now but," I rambled on and paused before continuing, "What are you thinking?"

"Don't you think that what I am thinking is literally obvious?" She asked me.

I shook my head. "I can read minds, Gaea. But not yours."

She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. "Why is that?"

"I don't know," I admitted and sighed, "Maybe because you were the only Planitis who created her own planet."

She stared at me for a while before rolling her eyes. "It doesn't make any sense, Ouranos."

"I'm sorry but I actually don't know," I admitted and looked down at my shoes, "But, from our situation, what is your plan? If you created one, what is it?"

She sighed and stood up, her bare feet sliding gently through the greenest grass that I have ever seen. She walked towards me and sat beside me, slowly moving Cronus' leg to the side so she can sit on the grass beside me.

She wrapped her arms around her small frame and let out a frustrated breath. "Actually, I already made a plan."

My attention was now fully turned towards her. I moved to the side to face her, staring at her patiently. I nodded at her to continue speaking as she sighed.

"I actually made this just when the seven of you arrived in my planet." She started. "Well, it was what I only thought, because I have a feeling that even if we'll finish the plan, we will still be defeated."

"Why? What is your plan anyway?" I asked her.

"I have two of them. The first is what you have been doing these past days. It is to modify or improve your abilities, for some prospects."

"And the second?"

"It was a fallback." Gaea stated and looked at me. "If we won't be able to defeat our opponents with our single abilities, we will have to do the most important and significant power."

I raised one of my eyebrows at her, pressing her more so that I can help her with our plan.

"We will have to fuse all of our abilities together into one." She stated.

I blinked a few times before grinning at her. She looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion when I began to grin wider.

"What's up with you?" She asked me.

"Gaea," I called as she raised both of her eyebrows at me, "You are the most brilliant Planitis of our universe."

She then rolled her green eyes at me, making me snort at her reaction.

"It's not about intelligence, Ouranos," She stated, "It's about common sense. When your first plan won't work, you need a fallback. You always need to have a fallback in every plan that you make, or else, you won't be able to achieve what you want to achieve in the future."

Cronus stirred in his sleep and mumbled incoherent words under his breath. I heard him say, "These two are always the loud ones."

When I saw that Cronus woke up from his sleep, I smirked and spoke, "Speaking of the future, Mr. Futuristic had woken up."

Gaea turned her head around to look at Cronus who was looking at me with his eyebrows knit together in confusion. "How come that Cronus is labeled as the Mr. Futuristic?"

Cronus chuckled and sat in between Gaea and me, rubbing his light brown eyes as he yawned slowly. "I can see the future, Miss Earth."

Gaea's eyes widened. "Unbelievable."

"You've got to believe, Gaea, because," I paused and pat Cronus' shoulder, "What he's saying is actually true."

"Speaking of the truth," Cronus started, "I heard the two of you talking. The both of you are still annoying up until now, am I right?" Gaea only slapped his arm, making him laugh at her reaction. "I'm just kidding, Gaea. And besides, do you want a sample?"

Both Gaea and I nodded our heads in agreement and excitement. We waited for Cronus to do his ability but then he only stared at the both of us.

"Why are you only sitting there and doing nothing?" I asked him as he snorted and rolled his eyes at me.

"You need to ask me anything about the future, idiots," Cronus replied as Gaea and I playfully glared at him.

"Well," Gaea spoke and looked above the night sky, where the stars are shining through the black fabric, "What will happen tomorrow?"

Cronus closed his eyes and gently commanded to us, "Look at the fire." Gaea and I followed his command as he took a deep breath.

Soon, the fire created an unbelievable panorama. Aphrodite, Dia and Ares played with Poseidon in the lake as Poseidon took his chances. There was no sound as Gaea turned to him and asked, "You can't hear?"

"I can, but when I will show it, only me can be able to hear it." He replied and the panorama had disappeared. "Anything else?"

I asked, "What will happen in the conflict?"

The both of them stared at me before Cronus closed his eyes and Gaea and I stared at the fire once again. I noticed that there was no panorama in the fire, so I looked at Gaea. She had the same look as mine.

Cronus took deep breaths then opened his eyes immediately.

"Are you okay?"

"Something bad will happen in our battle."

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