Chapter 22

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Helios, Selene and I have been walking through the pavements and streets for the past twenty minutes, and I swear that I have been annoyed and tired already. I'm annoyed because they haven't found any spot for us to rest and I am mostly tired because we have been walking and we haven't rest for while.

While I walk, my feet became honestly numb, making me stop walking and wipe away the beads of sweat that kept on rolling down my temples. I mumbled, "Let's stop, okay? I'm exhausted."

Helios and Selene stopped walking and turned around with wide eyes at me. I guess they haven't noticed that I stopped walking, making me annoyed more and mad at them. "Oh wow, the both of you never even noticed me? How wonderful of you! I wished that I didn't come with you, besides, I'm just a backup."

Helios rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak when I protested, "And don't even try to roll your eyes at me, Helios. It doesn't mean that I am just the goddess of the Dawn; it means that I am nothing but a sidekick. I am also a Titan, never forget that."

"What's wrong with you?" Selene asked me, walking near me as I glared at her.

I huffed. "What's wrong with me? If you don't know, then I'd be glad to tell you this: I'm tired. I'm tired of walking around the streets of this polluted planet, I'm tired of having to keep up with the both of you, and I'm tired of doing this. What's the purpose of killing those peasants anyway? To get the entire humanity and turn them into slaves or steal the powers of the Planitis? If you only knew, your plans were so useless. If I could have handled this univ-"

Before I could even rant more, I saw Helios immediately walking towards me before he took a very strong grip of my neck, making me gasp for air. I felt my feet in the air; they weren't touching the ground. I couldn't breathe, and I tried to scream but no voice came out.

"What did you just say?" He growled I my ear, making me whimper.

"I-I said, t-that doing this i-is p-p-pointless." I stuttered and tried to punch him everywhere, but there's no use, so I gasped for air again.

Once I said those words, his grip on my neck tightened even more. It made my throat dry and weak to gasp for air. My eyes widened when I didn't felt air come through my throat and lungs anymore, while my mouth remained wide open to try to catch for air.

"H-He-Helios," I whispered and I swore that my face turned to blue to violet in any second. "S-Stop."

"No," he retorted, "You knew that the three of us were royalty. But I guess you needed to be treated like a beggar. You'll beg for me to stop, am I right, Selene?"

From the corner of my eye, I saw Selene only smirking, making my fury build even more. I couldn't believe that both of my siblings were turning their backs on me. I am the oldest, they should listen to me! I was the one who they needed for information and used my brain for researches. But how could they do this to me? I helped them when they needed me, I comforted them when they were upset, and I even took care of them when they were born when our parents died! Could they even think of my sacrifice for them? Are they even thinking of how I felt when they only use me for my brain and heart? This is unfair! They shouldn't treat me like this not just because I am the oldest Titan but because I love them more than I love myself!

"Oh, poor Eos." Selene sickly cooed to me, slowly walking near me as I still try to gasp for air. "You really think that we love you?"

My heart tugged at her words. I felt my heart stop beating for two seconds before I tried to gasp for air when my throat began to hurt more it did. What is trying to say?

"The answer is no," she simply stated, making me feel helpless and unloved, "We don't love you. And I am happy that you thought that we were only using you for your brain. Helios and I even planned to kill you in your sleep when we were still little, but he decided against it because we couldn't have any brain to use anymore. But now, I guess it's time to end you, am I right, Helios?"

Helios smirked at Selene before slowly tightening his grip on my neck even more. I knew it. He planned to do this. He planned to kill me, to end me, when I saw my symbol written on that piece of paper. I cannot punish him or Selene; he already did it to me. He did otherwise. I couldn't believe that he wanted me dead.

Why would my siblings do this to me?

If I could scream, then I would have told them how much I have loved them, how much I cared for them, how much I worry about them. But still, even if I will scream the words out, they still wouldn't change their minds. They wanted to kill me, and they did it now. I couldn't forgive them for they have done. They were vile. I knew that we were in the same bloodline, yet I am different from them. They wanted to get immediately what they wanted for the longest time around. They are different from me.

While my thoughts were running through my head, I only saw Helios and Selene only staring at me, watching me suffer under Helios' tight grip on my neck. My lungs started to hurt even more, making it harder to try to catch for air.

What is the purpose of catching air or living if nobody even loved me anymore? I shouldn't have done that, I am always useless. Father told me that I was useless, and now I believed him. He was right. I am useless. I'll always be. Nobody loved me; they only wanted me for my brain and intelligence.

I decided to stop catching for air and just waited for Helios to kill me already. I have nothing now. I am nothing, and I have nothing. I wished that I was just air; needed, yet unknown and useless on the other hand.

Until, my heart stopped beating, making my entire body shut down. My eyes remained open yet I saw nothing, nothing but black. I felt Helios' grip on neck loosen and my body fell down to the ground with a loud thud.

I am nothing, nobody loves me.

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