Chapter 12- Rejection with a Tinge of Ignorance

Start from the beginning


I crumble at the thought. I sink to my knees. So it was all true, huh? I was just Harry's little toy thing. He didn't care anything for me. He just played with my heart. My bottom lip quivers and I turn off the shower and crawl out. The cold air rushes to greet me and I grab a fluffy blue towel and dry off. I slip a towel around my long, wet, blonde hair and a slide cotton robe on. I feel tears rolling down my cheeks. Gosh. Why couldn't I stop crying over this boy? What's got me crying so hard for that...that...

I sigh and walk into my room. I'm hopeless aren't I? Now that I think about it... How  could I forget? I've been played before. That's why it hurt so much. Last year with Jake. Why did everyone want to play me? Why did everyone want to smush and jump on my heart? Was Liam planning to do so too?

I change into plaid, fluffy pajama bottoms, a white t-shirt and pull a Jack Wills hoodie over my head. I put my wet hair into a braid and pull on some fuzzy socks. I don't know why I was so cold right now. I leap onto my bed and look around for my phone. I'm bored and I don't feel like explaining everything to Emma. I need to talk to someone who already knows what happened and it will defiantly be Harry. Sarcasm. It's going to be Liam. I know he probably won't play with my heart or do anything. He's too sweet to do that...usually. I shrug and text Liam.

ME: Hey Liam! Wanna come over?

I get an immediate text back.

LIAM: Yeah sure. I can talk now, tho. My jaw was dislocated, he popped it back...PAINFUL.

ME: Ouchie. Ok, thanks. Bring some FRO-YO. ;)

For some strange reason, I grew a liking to frozen yogurt.... I wait on my bed, humming to music softly and about thirty minutes later, my door bell rings. I hear someone open the door and some fangirling. Ah, guess my sister got to him. A couple minutes later he cracks open the door and smiles.

"Hey." He says softly and walks in, kicking the door closed behind him. "For you M'lady." He bows, handing me my awesome frozen yogurt.

"Why thank you, kind sir." I grin and he kicks off his shoes and slides in the bed beside me.

"So what movie?" I ask, looking at the TV directly in front of us and shoving some fro-yo in my mouth. "Well, you invited me here! Shouldn't you have it all figured it out?" Liam laughed. I smile sheepishly, I guess I should've. I was just laying there for awhile. I blush.

"Aww. You look so cute when you blush." He smiles and pinches my cheeks, making me blush even more as I feel butterflies.

"Shut up and choose a movie." I mutter and he chuckles and whips out Toy Story.

"Toy Story?" I laugh.

"Well, this movie cheers me up, so I thought, Hey, why not?" He shrugs and puts the movie in the DVD player. He comes back and crawls into the bed next to me. I shiver.

"Cold?" I nod my head yes and pull the covers up to my chin. I have no clue why I was so cold with all these layers. It was summer for crying out loud! Was I catching a cold?

Who knew?

He slides closer to me and wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me beside him. I smile a little and put my head on his shoulder as the opening credits ended and the actual movie started.

About halfway, I start to feel drowsy and fell asleep because Liam was already sleeping with both arms wrapped around me and his head on top of mine.


I flutter my eyes open and see the time.

2:46 p.m.

I look around and see me and Liam in the same position. I shake Liam's shoulder lightly and he wakes up, smiling sleepily.

"Hellooooooooooooo." Gosh, he had the best morning voice I've probably ever heard and ever will hear.

I yawn, "Hey Li. it's now like, almost 3 p.m."

"I don't care." He yawns and smiles, pulling me closer into his side. If he pulled me any closer, I'd be suffocating. I look in to his eyes and search to see if he's lying. I then notice how close he is and blush. Our foreheads were almost touching. I notice he's leaning in. Wait, what?

His forehead is against mine and his noses brushes against mine. I see him close his eyes.

I just broke up with Harry. What is he doing? Is he going to play me like Jake and Harry?

His lips brush mine and I put a hand against his chest, "Stop." I whisper. He opens his eyes and looks at me, confused and pulls away.

"It's too...early. I'm just confused and it's not right for you if I do that." I whisper, avoiding his gaze.

He nods, "Ok, well, I have to go see Niall and rest of the lads. Bye." He smiles weakly and walks out, closing the door behind him. What just almost happened? I'll tell you what. I almost freakin' kissed Liam!!!!

I yank the covers off of me and turn off the TV, realizing he left the DVD. I pace my room. I can't take this. I'm just going to have to avoid the situation at all costs. Way better then I tried to earlier. I'll seriously try to remove myself from the situation til my head is screwed on right. I'm going to have to drop all contact with the boys to do that. First things first. I grab my phone and delete them out of my contact list. Now I can't contact them on a moment of weakness. I also walk downstairs and talk to my mom and tell her to not let the boys talk to me and come in the house. She nods, confused, but agrees anyway. I even tell her to have Em leave me alone. Now what was I going to do about the boys texting me or calling me? I'll just have to block them I guess. I go online and since they weren't on my contacts and now an unknown number, I go online and do all these things.

I look at the last thing I have to do. I just have to click the red button to block all unknown numbers from contacting me. Then I'd have absolutely no contact with them what-so-ever. I'd never see them again...for awhile.

I stare at the button.



All unknown numbers are now blocked and not able to contact you via mobile.


I smile weakly and turn off my computer. I'm free from this mess....for now.

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