Chapter 2- Surfing and Smooching

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I sat on the edge of my bed looking at both of the cards. Who do I want to call to ask about everyone hanging out? I don't want to go alone. Marie? No that would be too weird to ask my twelve year sister to come along. 

Emma?! She'd be stoked!! Emma's been my best friend since forever and she loves One Direction. I crawled off my bed looking for my phone.

"Where is the dang phone now?!" I said looking under my bed. I went to stood up, but squealed as I hit my head on the bed. My hand flies up to rub the top of my head. I move out from under the bed, inching out slowly as I stared at the guilty piece of wood.

Next, I tore the covers off my bed but I found nothing. "You have got to be kidding me," I grumbled and collapsed on the bed. I wiggled, feeling something under my pillow. I shoot up like a bullet, ripping my pillow off the bed to see my phone laying there.

"Now you show up!" I screamed exhausted. I've stayed up probably halfway through the night. So I'm grumpy.

"Mum!" I heard Marie holler outside my door. "Elena's talking to herself again! Are you sure she doesn't need a shrink?!"

What?! I opened the door and chucked my pillow at her head. "Ouch! Elena!" 

I slammed the door shut in her face, already dialing Emma's number. It rang three times before there was heavy breathing on the other end.

"Hi Em, I know you're there. I can hear you breathing."


"Yeah, anyway, you know how you like One Direction and stuff?"

There was a pause and when I didn't continue, Emma grew impatient. "Go on."

"Well do you wanna hang out with them? And me of course!"

"What! Holy Big Ben London! How? Wait you know them? I don't understand? Of course I do! You're the bestest friend ever! Wait, but how? When?"

I laughed. "I'll tell you as soon as you get your grateful bum over here."

"I'm already here."



By the time I told her all that happened I thought she was going to fly right out my window and go to the moon and back.

"So Harry and Liam aren't mine for the taking?" She asked. 

I laughed. "No, but the others are all yours!"  

"That's alright because  they weren't my fave anyway. I have my eye on one thing...or person you can say."  She looked at me seriously. "You do know that you can't have them both right?"

 I sighed. "Of course I do, nincompoop. Now lets get dressed for our date, as I call....." I shuffle my hands and pull out a random card. "Harry!"

I typed his number into my iphone and listened to it ring. I was about to hang up when finally I heard the phone line connect.

"Hello?" A voice croaked. I looked at the clock. It's eleven a.m.

"Did I just wake you?"

"Um.....maybe. Who's this?"

"Elena from last night."

"Oh!" I heard a cough from last night and heard Harry talk to someone in the background. "Elena! So why the call?"

"Well, I was bored and I was wondering if--"

"Are you asking me on a date?" I could practically hear a smirk forming on Harry's lips.

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