"Why? I've caused so much trouble. Now you're just sorting out all of my messes."

Demi brushed my hair out of my face.

"Sweetheart I know you weren't yourself then. You were facing serious addictions. They changed you. But with my help you've been able to pull the real you back out. And I love who you are. I know how hard it is and it takes a really strong person to do it."

"Thank you so much Demz." She got up and pulled me up after.

"Now let's not sulk around. Let's have breakfast and get on with our lives."

Demi fixed me a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. I washed her pour it into a bright yellow bowl and add maple syrup to it. She arranged blue berries into a smile on top and passed the bowl to me.

"Eat up kiddo."

I looked down into the bowl and I felt okay with eating. I was content. Despite the scary news I handled it well. I felt so loved too.

But then I had a thought. If I'm not sick anymore, if I don't need Demi's help with recovery, will she still love me? As soon as I get better she's sending me home.

My demons saw that as their shot to leap back into my mind.

"Of course she won't love you.

Neither will Kenna!

And your parents? They fell in love with the old Cece.

If you don't have us, what are you?

You're nothing without your demons!"

My eyes shot back up at Demi.

"Please don't leave me!" I shouted frantically.

"Cece, I'll never leave you. I love you and I always will. What's going on?" She walked over to me, confused.

"I'm only here so you can help me get better. Once I'm better you'll leave! I'll go back to mom and dad! And they won't want me! They'll want the old me! That's who they chose. They never chose me!"

"Slow down. Don't listen to your demons. Let's try to be rational okay? Calm down baby girl."

I swallowed and stared at Demi. I was being rational.

"Look, I can't stand the thought of you going back to mom and dad. I'll work something out with them. Promise. But they do love you. They didn't pick you knowing all of your struggles. And they've stuck with you through them. You're so much more than this. I bet Kenna can help you make a list when she gets home." Demi hugged me again. "Better?"

I relaxed. I realized how irrational I was being before. That was new for me. "Thanks Demi. Much better."

I enjoyed the oatmeal. Yes I actually enjoyed it, you read correctly.

After I helped Demi clean the kitchen, which by the way, was awesome- we sang and slid around the floor in our socks- but anyway, my mom came by to drop the twins off.

I gave her a hug and thanked her for the well wishes she was throwing at me. I promised to visit her soon.

McKenna and Mackenzie were dressed alike today. Polka dotted pants with a tank top embroidered with a sun. Kenna's was green, Kenzie's pink. It was beyond odd to see the two of them matching.

"Goodmorning Cecelia." Kenzie curtsied towards me.

"Hey girls! Let's go practice for your audition Kenz." Demi winked at me. She wanted Kenna and I to hang out.

"Hey Kenna. Wanna go upstairs?"


She followed me into my room and we sat on my bed.

"What's wrong? Nobody would tell me. Stinks being five." She frowned and crossed her arms. "But really are you okay?"

"Remember how I told you that a mean man hurt me?"

"I remember." Kenna's eyes widened.

"Well he wasn't who I thought he was. And now we don't know where he is. But Demi's hired somebody who is going to find him."

"You must be scared bestie. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you."

"I'm gonna be okay, bestie." I smiled.

"But are you scared?"

"Well... yeah."

"Be right back."

She jumped off the bed and came running back with a stuffed sea lion.

"His names Nicholas. He protects me and he'll protect you now too. You can have him."

"Aw Kenna! Thank you!" I hugged her.

"It's what besties do!"

"I love you!"

"I know!" She giggled.

"So can I ask you something now?"


"When did your dad give you your lucky shirt?"


"What's wrong?"

"He said I can't tell anybody."

"You can trust me." I held my pinky out.

"Well... Okay." She locked pinkies with me. "Lyings and secrets are bad anyways.

"One night real late he came in my room. He told me he was leaving and I wouldn't see him anymore. He said he loved me lots but he didn't love mommy or Mackenzie. He gave me the shirt to 'member him."

"What did you say?"

"I wanted to go with him. But he wouldn't let me. He said mommy was going to be happier without him."

"You must have been confused."

"I still am."

She looked at me so innocently.

"Can we tell Demi?" I asked gently.

"No way." She looked frantic. "Daddy hurt mommy. She'll be sad and mad at me for liking daddy. No!" She put her hands over her ears.

I pulled her hands down gently. "It's okay I won't tell her. I promise. I'll help you figure it out though."

That was one promise I knew I had to break.

Troubled: A Demi Lovato FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now