Rules Don't Apply

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"Yeah but none of them you would have the balls to try." Christopher lightly shoved him in the shoulder, he danced off toward the middle of the dance floor. David followed him, grabbing his arm and pulling him outside. He pushed Christopher up against the wall outside of the building.

"Rules don't apply here," David whispered before his lips meet Christophers, crashing into each other. Hunger overtook David, he'd wanted to do this since they had slept together back home. All rules went out the window when he landed in Italy, he promised himself that he would enjoy all that it had to offer. And what it had to offer was Christopher, he hated to admit that this man, this young, beautiful, free-spirited man had a spell over him. He slid his hands down Christopher's chest, resting them on his hips pulling them toward him. He could feel Christopher through his jeans, they respond to each other wants and needs. Christopher wanted this and David needed this, he needed him more than he would let anyone especially Christopher know.

"Stop-stop." Christopher breathless said pushing David slightly away, he was confused by the gesture and the words that came out of Christopher's mouth.


"I can't believe I'm about to say this, but what about your boyfriend. You can't do this to him."

"I kicked him out."

"What? Wait, why?"

"I caught him stealing money from my bank account, I went to go use my bank card and it was gone. So when I went to the bank to pull out money they told me it was empty, they let me watch the security camera and I watched as he pulled four hundred dollars out every day for two weeks until my main account was empty. When I confronted him he said I owed him that money after all he did for me."

"Jesus! He stole over four thousand dollars from you and acted like the victim, what a dick!"

"I know, I was going to tell you but you choose the worst time."

"I know I'm sorry. Hey, you want to get out of here, it's fucking cold!" Christopher began to shiver he hadn't realized how cold it was.

"Yeah, let's go get my sister."

As David and Christopher walked back inside they searched for his sister and Jona. They had found Jona tongue deep in a girl that Christopher recognized from the summer. He wasn't about to interrupt that, he just shot Jona a text, it was worth the 10 cents to send it because he didn't want to get in between that. David found his sister sitting on a man's lap who looked far too old to be hitting on an 18-year-old.

"Emma, Chris and I are gonna get out of here, did you want to go?"

"No, I'm fine. Jona and I will get a taxi home."

David encouraged her to be careful. Christopher could tell he really didn't want to leave his sister but Jona wasn't far. They rushed to the car, David kissed Christopher one last time before they drove off. Coming down the driveway to the Perlman house Christopher decided to pull up as close to the guest house as possible. They got out of the car, Christopher pushed David against the wall kissing him. They heard a car pulling up the drive, hiding on the other side of the corner of the house. Christopher quietly laughed.

"What?" David asked.

"Um, well, my dad is very intoxicated."

"How can you tell?"

"Because it's the only time he sings and it's always the same song. I think it's the only one he knows."

They could hear them talking, Elio and Oliver were unaware they had an audience.

"Shh! Oliver you are going to wake the whole house." Elio shushed him.

"Oh, shhh. Your momma is going to hear us." Oliver laughed, walking toward Elio wrapping his arms around him.

"I know and a prefer not to have her yelling at us. You've never seen an upset Annella Perlman until you wake her up." Elio walked toward the house.

David and Christopher ducked back behind the wall.

"Come on let's get to the guest house," Christopher whispered. They ran into the house and headed up to the loft. Christopher kissed David as he got to the top, he began taking off his coat tossing it on the stairs. Pushing David back on the bed, he crawled up Davids body kissing his bare chest.

"Wait do you have any, you know?" David was asking about condoms, Christopher hadn't had sex in months, condoms were the last thing he would have.

"Fuck! No, I don't."

"Wait hold on. I think I bought some." David rushed downstairs, he was back in moments with a strip of six condoms.

"Really? You expecting that much fun huh?"

"Shut up Adler and kiss me." David crawled onto the bed pushing Christopher back as he kissed him.

David was inside of him moments later, he needed Christopher, he needed him like a drug. Christopher winced and almost made David stop.

"Are you ok?" David asked, but Christopher said nothing he just reached forward and kissed him. He didn't want to stop, reaching down Christopher grabbed Davids ass pulling him deeper inside. He had almost forgotten what it was like to have David touch him, he moved slowly not wanting to hurt Christopher. Thing were moving too slowly for Christopher, he wrapped his arms around David flipping him onto his back so that he was now on top. He set the pace now, he was in control. The closer he got to his orgasm the faster Christopher stroked himself, David wanted him to cum on his chest. Christopher felt his entire body get warm as the orgasm finally was set free, they could be as loud as they wanted. Taking advantage of this new adventure Christopher yells out obscenities as he came and David followed. Christopher reached up holding onto a beam that hung low in the loft, he watched David's face as he came, it was erotic in itself to watch someone lose themselves this way.

"David?" Christopher whispered.


He wanted to ask him to stay, to not go back to his room. He wanted David to hold him, while they slept. Before he could ask, they heard laughing outside. Christopher looked out the skylight to see Emma and Jona helping each other walk.

"Fuck, my brother, and your sister are walking this way and I think they are trashed." Christopher hurries up and gets off of Davids lap. They rush to get dressed, hoping it didn't look like they had just done, what they had just done. They rushed to help their siblings without waking up the entire house. 

Summer, 1983 (I'll call you by mine)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum