Chapter 1

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"Damn it!" I whispered, trying to light the little fire I had started in the tin can. It was the middle of February and freezing. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to be outside with barely a jacket on at night, but I'm homeless now. This is all I have. I tried again, unsucsessfully flicking my numb fingers over the rotating part of the lighter. This was futile. I would just freeze to deth out here and end my life like... this. I reached next to me for some newspaper and stuffed it down my shirt for insulation. I needed heat.

I heard a door swing open loudly and I cringed, slowly bringing my knees to my chest. The tin can tipped over in the quiet ally and I cursed. Luck was just not with me today. A pair of footsteps walked closer and closer to my spot until the owner of the feet found my half frozen form. He kneeled down and picked me up gently, cradeling me to his warm chest. I whimpered and curled into the stranger. Right now, warmth was the best thing to happen to me, and he is warm.

"Hey, you're okay." The boy said to me softly. I nodded once and fisted my hands in his shirt. I did not want to be let go, I did not want to go to the hospital, and I did not want to be put on the records. If I was, my parents could find out about my whereabouts. I wanted to stay hidden. The boy went inside the building he came out of and I felt one hundred times warmer than a few moments ago.

"Mam, Pap, come quick!" He called, shutting the door with one foot. I raised my head slightly and saw that we were in the back of some soft of restaurant. I turned my head and looked at the boy who was carrying me. There was worry etched into his features. I bit the inside of my cheek. I shouldn't be making people worry over me. The boy set me on a large wooden table and kept his hands on my hips to steady me. Two older people accompanied by two elderly people and six or seven people around my age, give or take.

"Seth, who is she?" The older man asked.

"I don't know." He admitted, keeping his eyes locked with mine. "I found her behind the dumpster, Pappy. I think she has hypothermia."

"Clarise, get the girl something hot to drink." He ordered one of the younger girls. Seth stripped me of my tattered jacket and took off his long sleeve shirt. He raised my arms and slipped the shirt over my head.

"This'll keep you warm. I promise." He said, adjusting his tank top. I tried to mutter a thanks but I couldn't feel my lips. Seth sighed and enveloped me in his arms. "Don't thank me yet, sweetie. This is only half the battle."

I was given a large cup of coffee to drink and half a hour later, I was no longer numb. We had moved from the back room and into the parlor of the restaurant where we all sat. I was perched on Seth's lap, and not by choice. He was not going to let go of me until he was certain that I wasn't going to pass out. The younger people in the room are his siblings, I think. The two older people are definately his parents and the two elderly people are his grandparents. I was bundled in a thousand blankets and some new pants, as well as Seth's shirt. I was very warm now, and I didn't mind it one bit. Much, much better than freezing to death.

"So," His mother started. "What's your name, dear?"

"Bailey." I said. I did not want to give them my full name; Bailey Nova. My parents were all over the news now because of who my sister married three years ago.

"Why were you outside? It's the middle of winter and this jacket is shi-- crap, this jacket is crap." One of his brothers said.

"I have nowhere to go. My parent's didn't want me, so I signed emmancipation papers and left." I said quietly. I felt Seth's grip around my body tighten slightly. I didn't even know these people, or their names, except for two.

"What are your names?" I asked. The grandfather stood proudly and introduced everyone.

"I am Anthony Matthews, this is my wife Catherine. My son, Anthony Jr., and his wife, Megan. And my grandchildren, Clarise, Noah, Mark, Julianna, Abigail, Anthony the III, and Seth." The old man said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all." I said, smiling at them. I got up and shed the blankets. "Thank you all, for warming me up. Now if you would direct me to the nearest shelter, that would be amazing." I said, moving towards my tattered excuse of a coat.

"No, you're staying here." Seth said, grabbing my hand. I looked at the boy I literally just met. Was he crazy? I didn't know these people at all. Why would I stay with them and take up valuable living space.

"No, I don't want to intrude--"

"Nonsense!" Megan inturrupted. "I want you to stay. If your family doesn't want you, I want you because you're cute, and sweet." She moved closer to me. "And my little boy won't take no for an answer. I suggest you say yes."

I smiled at the woman and nodded my head. These were nice people. I could stay here a while, I think.

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