Chapter 10

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Seth was pacing the length of his grandparents living room, not bothering to look in my direction. Noah and Meg sat beside me, taking both my hands in theirs. I was aching for Seth to talk to me, to let me explain everything. But I knew he wouldn't give me that chance.

"Seth," Anthony said, reaching out for his son. Seth shied away from his father and continued to pace the room.

"Who knew?" Seth asked sharply, stopping to glance at his mother.

"It was only me mom and Dad, Seth." Noah said quietly. "Don't be angry with her. Everything she's told you is the truth." Seth laughed angrily as he stopped pacing.

"The truth? The only truthful thing she said was that her name is Bailey. As far as I care, everything that has happened over the past six months was a lie." Seth said, his eyes turning hard. Noah stood and crossed the room until he was face to face with his brother. The pair stood square to each other, ready to fight.

"You can't blame Bailey for lying. Her whole life she's been in the media. Now that her family is under scrutiny and her Mother put out a reward for her return, I would be more understanding about her situation." Noah spat.

"She used us!" Seth growled, throwing his hands up in anger. "What do you want me to say? It won't matter, I married her under false pretenses. Her family will take her back to their home. She will forget about us."

"She still has a name, Seth." Julianna piped in. "She's still a person with feelings. Not all of it was a lie. You just have to ask Bailey." When Seth looked at me, it was clear what I had to do. I had to lie to him one last time. I felt the tears fall down my cheeks like hot bullets.

"Was any of this real?" Seth asked as he looked at me. I shook my head, dropping my gaze to the floor as I took off the rings.

"I will sign any divorce papers you wish, Seth." I whispered. "I won't fight you on anything. We won't need to take it to court." I wiped my tears away as I placed the two rings on the coffee table.

"Piss off." Seth said, storming out of the apartment. Tony went to go after him, but Meg called him off.

"Let him be, babe. They're both hurting." She said, pulling me into her arms. I began crying harder than before, clinging to Meg with all my might.

"Why did you do that!" Noah exclaimed. "Why did you let him go, Bailey? He would have heard you out!"

"No, Noah, that is where you are wrong. Seth already had his mind set. Nothing I would have said would have changed his mind." I said with a thick voice. "It's better to let him hate me that to feel regret." I wiped my tears once more and stood, looking around at my family.

"I need to call my brother and tell him to come to Boston." I said, reaching for my phone.

"Wait, sweetie, we need to talk about this." Meg said, standing with me.

"What's there to talk about, Meg? I lied to him, he's probably calling a lawyer right now. I need to leave before I watch him move on with someone else. I hate to leave you all; you are my family too. I hope you know this, but I just can't stay anymore." I announced, tears coming to my eyes. "I'm sorry, Meg."

"Give us two days, Bailes. That's all I ask of you." Noah begged. I knew what he was asking for. Two days to convince Seth there was something still worth fighting for. I nodded, allowing for Noah to try. But I knew Seth had made up his mind. I was no longer a part of his life.




I was a bundle of nerves. Two days had passed and now my family was here in Boston. Nicky had texted me when they arrived last night. All of them wanted to come and get me last night, but I had made a promise to Meg and my family to have one last supper with them. Nicky had told me that they were staying in the same hotel as last time. I didn't know how I was going to face my family after all this time. How was I going to face Teddy? How was I going to face Dad? I felt like I had disappointed them, but Meg assured me that they would welcome me home with open arms.

"Are you ready, sweetie?" Meg asked as she rubbed the back of my hand. I nodded my head yes, but I wasn't entirely sure of my decision. I wanted to run away again, to be someone else now. Everyone in the family walked to the hotel, except for Seth and Noah. Noah was still trying to convince Seth to come to the meeting today. I had a nagging feeling that Seth was going to bail.

We entered through the front door of the hotel, which was lined with a police barricade. I wanted to turn away, to run and hide. But now the world knew what I looked like. I would never be able to run again. The manager of the hotel met us at the front door and ushered us to a private room on the west side of the hotel. Meg squeezed my hand as the manager pushed open the door to the private room. I looked into the room as Meg and Tony pulled me along, stopping near the center of the room. I stood face to face with my father, who was holding hands with Christine. The tears I didn't know I had fallen down my cheeks, and stained my shirt.

"Bailey," Dad exhaled, dropping Christine's hand and running to me. He crushed me in a bear hug, and I pressed my face into his chest, crying harder. I missed him so much. I felt him kiss my hair as he pulled back slightly to cup my cheeks.

"You grew up on me, my baby." Dad laughed, hiding his own tears.

"I'm sorry—" Dad shook his head and hugged me again. "Never apologize for what you did. Anyone in your situation would have. I love that you were brave enough to do it." Dad kissed my cheek before releasing me. Theodora approached me first, her hands cupping her swollen belly. I reached out and touched her belly, my fingers trembling heavily. Teddy hiccupped a sob as she pulled me into her arms and rocked me from side to side.

"I can't begin to apologize, Bailey." She whispered in my ear. "I should have believed you. I should have stood up for you. I'm so sorry he even touched you."

"I forgive you, Teddy." I whispered back, hugging her as tight as my arms allowed me to. Teddy forced herself to release me as our brothers approached me. First Christian hugged me, followed by Nicholas, ending with Calvin and his small family. Calvin hugged me tightly, whispering how much he missed me into my ear. Sophia hugged me next, smooshing their son in between us.

"May I hold him?" I asked, reaching out for Jordan. Sophia transferred him into my arms, and I held my nephew close. I had missed so much in that short amount of time, it made me regret running away. Almost. The people I was too afraid to leave, to never see again in a normal setting... I couldn't say goodbye to them. It was going to be too hard.

Dad came over to me with Meg and Tony behind him. He placed his hand on my shoulder and pressed a kiss to my hair. "We're going to have lunch with the Matthews before we leave, Bailey. Okay?" I nodded my head as I handed my nephew back to Calvin and his wife. Meg took my hand as Dad led our family out of the private room and to the formal dining area.

"He still hasn't called us, sweetheart. I don't think Seth is going to come." Meg said in my ear. I nodded as tears came to my eyes. I knew he wasn't going to come, but I still hoped. I wanted to see him one last time. Meg took my left hand and placed two rings into my palm, making me look at her with confusion.

"We want you to have these. You are still a part of our family, no matter what Seth decides. We're all going to try to talk him out of the divorce. But regardless of what happens, we want you to have these." Meg said softly, sliding the rings onto my ring finger. I nodded once and took their hands, giving them both a tight squeeze before joining my family for lunch. Running away never felt so hard.






Hello Lovelies!

Next Breaking Bailey update will be February 12th.

I apologize for such a long wait between updates. Things have been really hectic and since the second semester started, it's been crazy for me. Don't forget that updates (when I can) will be every Friday on the Radish app.

Lots of Love,


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