Chapter 4

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I took another swig from my beer, contemplating something I could tell Bailey. A lie, anything to have her back in my home. She was so safe here, whatever or whoever she was running from could—wouldn't get to her if she was still here with me. I never should have told Julianna that I had feelings for her, that I thought I was falling in love with her. Julianna wanted to believe that our whole family could fall in love in a month. It just wasn't true. Bailey could never love me, and that hurts more than anything in the world.

"Seth?" I heard from my front door. "Seth where are you?"

"Bailey?" I slurred, fumbling to get to my feet. She came back!

"Seth, it's me, Libby." She said, rushing to my aid. I felt my stomach drop. She didn't come back. I needed another beer. "Seth, who's Bailey, and how much have you had to drink?"

"Maybe six bottles." I mumbled as she sat me on the couch. "I really think I love Bailey, Libs. I've only known her a month, but she's the best thing that's ever come to me."

"Who is she, Seth?" She asked, slipping the bottle from my hand.

"I love her, Libby." I mumbled, leaning into her.

Then I passed out.

"Marcy, he's heartbroken. This is like Carrie all over again." Libby said, somewhere in the distance.

"Do we even know who this girl is? He said that he's known this 'Bailey' for a month. Does his family know her? And where did she disappear to?" Marcy replied to her girlfriend.

"I don't know. He passed out last night before I could get an answer." Libby sighed. "I'll go check on him." Libby left Marcy and came over to me, still on the couch.

"Hey, Seth. Here's some pain killers and coffee." She said, sitting on the edge of the couch. "Marcy's here. We were thinking of staying with you a while until you get over this Bailey girl."

"Then it may be a while. She works at the shop." I groaned, popping the pills in my mouth and swallowing then with the help of the coffee. "I'll see her every damn day and it will eat at me. She left me because she wanted sex with no strings attached. She's scared of commitment."

"I was waiting for my future psychologist to come out." She mused, pushing her fingers through my hair. "I want to meet her. If you say that you love her, then she must be the real deal. And if she's scared, then let me talk to her."

"I have work today, I'll bring you." I said, rubbing my temples. "What did Marcy make for breakfast?"

"She bought your favorite donuts." Libby said, hugging me close. "I love you, Seth, even if she doesn't."

"I love you too, Libby." I murmured into her shoulder.




Bailey didn't show up to work. I asked Mom where she was, if she went to them after she left, but she said Bailey swore her to secrecy. I wanted to tear my hair out and have another six beers. She was avoiding me now.

"Mom," I said when we went on break for dinner. She looked at me as she took out her sandwich.

"Yes, baby?" She said sweetly.

"Please tell me where Bailey is. I need to know she's alright." I begged.

"Sweetheart, tell me what happened. When she called me last night, she sounded like she was hurting. And when I picked her up, she was practically crying." Mom said softly.

"I told her that I was falling in love with her. She begged me to say that I was lying." I said, putting my head in my hands. "I wish I lied to her, mom. I can't seem to function without her."

"You said the same thing when you were with Carrie—"

"I didn't love Carrie, mom. I cared for her, but she was always hiding something. I just didn't find out until it was too late." I said.

"She's fine, Seth. She's eating and moving around, but she's not the same Bailey we've known for the past month, sweetie. She certainly cares about you, but she's afraid of something, maybe someone." Mom said. "I gave her the day off, she'll be here tomorrow. Please, try and talk to her."

"Yes, Mom." I said, leaning on the counter top.

Going to work the next day left my stomach in knots. Libby joined me again, but this time, I gripped her hand walking through the shops front door. Bailey was at the front counter, her hair pulled back into a neat braid and a pair of glasses that she must have been hiding. She was wearing an outfit that she got from shopping two days ago, and god dam, she just looked beautiful.

"Seth, is that Bailey?" Libby asked. Bailey looked up at me and then at Libby. I thought I saw a slight frown on her face as she went back to her work. "Go clock in. I'm going to talk to her."

"Don't scare her." I said as I moved towards the back room. I clocked in and put on my apron, stopping to chat with grandpa and Noah before starting with the pizza dough. The three of us chatted along as Bailey and Libby talked out front, when all of a sudden we heard glass crashing on the floor. The three of us rushed out front, grandpa with broom in hand. I went to Bailey, who seemed to be staring at something over my shoulder.

"Bailey, what happened? Are you alright?" I asked, searching her for cuts.

"Bailey? Bailey Nova?" A girl asked from behind me. Bailey moved away from me and walked up to the girl, who reached out to touch her face. "Bailey!" She cried, throwing herself onto Bailey. They sank to the floor, both of them crying.

"Emily," Bailey chocked out, pressing her face into Emily's neck.







Hello Lovelies!!

New update! Yay! What's Bailey going to do now that Seth knows her real last name? And Who's Emily?

So, I am on February break, but I am going to be extremely busy between homework, work and college stuff. So bear with me still.

How are you guys doing? Don't forget to keep an eye out for the Epilogue of The Traveler and the first chapter of the OUtlaw!

Lots of Love,


Breaking Bailey (Now on Radish)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant